Picard Season 3 Casting for Jean-Luc’s Son?
Star Trek: Picard is going to give Jean-Luc a son.

A new rumor has been circulating in regards to the Star Trek show Picard. According to Daniel Richtman’s Patreon, which focuses on delivering news, scoops and stories, the show is looking ahead to Season 3 and is rumored to be searching for a male in his early 20’s to play Picard’s son that he never knew existed.
On his Patreon, Richtman detailed that the potential new character, Henry, would hop on board Picard as a series regular for at least a year and would be a charming young man with either a British or American accent. However, these details are still complete conjecture, and those involved with the show’s production have yet to confirm anything.
Even though nothing has been officially confirmed, this particular rumor has been moving around the web for quite some time. In February, CBR reported on a fan-generated theory that Picard was thought to have a son dating back to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Many fans theorized that Wesley Crusher, a young engineer aboard the USS Enterprise could have possibly been Picard’s offspring with the doctor aboard the galaxy class starship, Beverly Crusher.

More recently, The Illuminerdi also alluded to the possibility that Jean-Luc Picard could have a secret son. Their information seems to align exactly with Richtman’s possible information. The site actually took it a step further and went on to describe that he would not only have a charming personality but also be confident and seek adventure and have a Robin-Hood-esque mentality. They even dabbled in what a possible plot-line could entail for the alleged character by suggesting that he could get tangled up in a conspiracy that could have him questioning the core of his morale. All of this, however, is complete speculation and has no real weight or validity behind it.
Even though all of the information surrounding whether or not Picard has a son is all just theoretical rumor, Giant Freakin’ Robot exclusively revealed that fans could definitively look forward to is at least three more seasons. We detailed that even though the show’s fate was rumored to be up in the air, that the changes that the changes that are being implemented have solidified the show’s existence for the foreseeable future, which was sure to come as a big sigh of relief for fans concerned about the whether Picard would remain on the streaming platform, Paramount+ or whether the studio would decide to ax it. Thus, the fact that the show now has some time to play with would leave it with much more time and space to fully flesh out their stories, even if we don’t end up getting to see Picard’s potential son.
Even though Seasons 2 and 3 of Picard are still in production and it is still unknown as to just when they will drop on Paramount+, amongst all the fan theories and speculation, what we do know is that actor John de Lancie who plays Q on Picard will have a big part in moving the story in Season 2 forward. Beyond that, however, fans will just have to wait and see how everything unfolds in the new seasons.