Peaky Blinders Already Rebooting In New Form
The hit series Peaky Blinders is coming to an end with its sixth season on Netflix, but plans for a different kind reboot are afoot.
This article is more than 2 years old

Peaky Blinders fans eagerly waiting for Netflix to drop new episodes as well as fearing the quickly approaching end to the beloved show will be happy to know that the future of the series is already in the works. Peaky Blinders will be giving its final episode an 81 minute send-off, something that production is viewing as a feature-length testing. Through the finale, the crew behind Peaky Blinders will get an idea of how to achieve a full film spin-off, something that’s already in the works.
During a sit-down with, director Anthony Byrne said the finale would act as a “dry run” for the full-length film, giving the production a better idea of what works and what doesn’t. It will also serve as a platform to see how audiences will react to this new layout of a longer piece. Byrne tells followers that the final episode is “very, very different to the rest of the season,” leading us to wonder what exactly that means for the stories at the heart of Peaky Blinders.
Fans of the show certainly felt a shift during its fifth season, when the storyline took a turn from the gang-based hijinks and went down a political alley, shedding light on the beginnings of fascism. Because of this, according to Byrne during an interview with NME, fans weren’t thrilled. He said their idea of the show was to see the characters brawling with one another and delivering on the violence and interpersonal relationships the show is known for. Whether the finale will round out Peaky Blinders or leave us on cliffhangers surrounding side plots is yet to be known.

One thing we do know is what the Peaky Blinders movie will center on. With the aforementioned rise of fascism in high gear and World War II swiftly taking off, the show’s creator, Steven Knight, revealed that the full-length feature will focus on how the Peakys deal with and become involved in the war. Given their feedback from the fifth season, we’d wager a bet that not only will they tackle the political aspect of WWII, but also deliver the hits and blows the show’s known for.
Always rooted in the political happenings engulfing the world, Peaky Blinders first aired in 2013 and picked up in a post-WWI Britain. It’s 1919, and soldiers are finally making their way home only to find that their neighborhoods are not how they left them. Gangs begin to spring up as a way for families to make ends meet, something that war hero Thomas Shelby greets with open arms. His family’s gang, the Peaky Blinders, is a ruthless and cutthroat organization that wants to be on top of it all. Throughout the seasons, we’ve watched the family take on rival gangs, political powerhouses, and even each other, all culminating in its final season. An all-star cast, over the years the show has featured some top names in acting including Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy, and the late Helen McCrory. No matter what comes from the spinoff film, fans are sure to be looking forward to more stories surrounding the Peaky universe after its sixth and final season bows out on Netflix in June.