Paramount+ Sci-Fi Epic Stands Out As Master Director’s Best Movie

By TeeJay Small | Published


By now, you’re almost certainly familiar with the catalogue of incredible films crafted by auteur filmmaker Christopher Nolan. The beloved director is responsible for bringing such classics as The Dark Knight Rises, Inception, Tenet, and most recently Oppenheimer to life on the big screen. Despite his hand in all of these impeccable movies, one outing in Nolan’s career stands tall as his finest work yet, that film being 2014’s Interstellar.


For those who have not yet had the chance to catch Interstellar, or those simply in desperate need of a rewatch, the science fiction classic is currently streaming on Paramount+. Of course, like most Christopher Nolan movies, Interstellar is best consumed on a big screen at the cinema, due to its massive scope, incredible score, and moving performances.

Luckily, the movie is slated to return to theaters this coming September in 70 millimeter film stock, to celebrate the ten year anniversary of its initial premiere.

Praised By Scientists

black hole

Christopher Nolan wrote the screenplay for Interstellar in collaboration with his brother Jonathan, alongside theoretical physicist and Nobel Laureate Kip Thorne, who served as an executive producer and scientific consultant.

Thorne agreed to work on the movie so long as the Nolan brothers agreed to a few non-negotiable ground rules, which included not bending any established scientific principles in their exploration of theoretical space travel. As a result, Interstellar has been near-universally praised by actual scientists and engineers, including Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye.


Interstellar also touts a positively stacked cast of massive A-listers, including Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, John Lithgow, Michael Caine, Casey Affleck, and nearly too-young-to-recognize Timothée Chalamet. The film even throws in a surprise Matt Damon roughly halfway through, just to keep you on your toes. The plot of Interstellar centers on a former NASA test pilot named Joseph Cooper, who lives on a farm with his family in the year 2067.

The Story

Unfortunately, the Earth is undergoing a massive dust bowl which is destroying crops and drinking water, leaving many scientific minds to believe the planet is well past the point of no return in solving man-made climate change.

During a particularly rough dust storm, Cooper’s daughter Murph makes a discovery that leads her and her dad right to the location of a secret NASA test facility.

After speaking to Dr. Brand, who runs the under-funded division, Cooper agrees to don his astronaut gear once more, and embark upon an interstellar journey to search for a new home for humanity.

As the plot of Interstellar carries on, Cooper and his team traverse great distances in space by utilizing a mysterious wormhole, allowing them to explore planets unlike those ever studied by mankind.

All the while, a super-massive black hole threatens the to hinder the mission’s success, as Murph and her family fear that they may never see Cooper again.

Stream It Now



Interstellar is one of my all-time favorite movies, and easily stands as Christopher Nolan’s magnum opus as far as I’m concerned. As stated above, the film’s chilling score, delivered by Hans Zimmer, is one of the most memorable of any film in years, and the performances, especially those from Matthew McConaughey and Michael Caine, are simply a cut above the rest.

The film has brought in over $700 million at the global box office, against an estimated production budget of $165 million, making it a smash-hit success.

If you’re interested in checking out Interstellar for yourself, be sure to stream the epic film today on Paramount+. Alternatively, you can wait to catch it on 70mm in just a few months.

Still, as fans of the film will surely attest, sometimes waiting a few months could feel like passing by a black hole’s gravitational pull, causing the experience to feel like a lifetime.