Netflix R-Rated Violent Horror Action Gem Gives Master Director Bloody Freedom

By Jeffrey Rapaport | Published

Horror fans should head to Netflix to check out one of John Carpenter’s lesser-known but abundantly bloody horror flicks—Vampires, a supernatural gore-fest for the ages. The title debuted in 1998 and blended action, paranormal horror, and masterful direction. Now, with a new home on the streaming giant, the movie offers old and new fans an opportunity to experience Carpenter’s lesser known but excessively bloody vision.

John Carpenter’s Vampires

John Carpenter vampires

Not to appear over-dramatic, but Carpenter is a legend. He’s the genius behind horror classics like Halloween, The Thing, and Escape from New York. His artistic sensibility left an indelible impression not just on horror as a genre but on the 1980s as a whole. 

Perhaps it will be unsurprising, given his maverick status, that John Carpenter’s Vampires opted to tackle the vampire sub-genre of horror in a novel and engaging way: a raw, gritty approach. Think James Cameron’s take on the Alien franchise, steeped in action, vs. Ridley Scott’s prior, original horror-centric vision. 

Violent Elimination Of The Undead

John Carpenter vampires

Indeed, Carpenter’s film diverges from the romantic, all-familiar, gothic interpretations: creatures of the night, seducing victims before biting them on the neck. Rather, Carpenter’s uncompromising film runs eagerly toward graphic violence, intense action sequences, and an overarching aesthetic ethos as brutal as it is stylish. The result is visceral action and a strikingly gory thrill ride. 

John Carpenter’s film relates the narrative of Jack Crow, played by James Woods, a vampire hunter. Crow heads a squad of vamp hunters sanctioned by the Vatican and tasked with eliminating the undead, including their terrifying leader, Valek–portrayed by Thomas Ian Griffith.

Not Like Any Other Vampire Movie

John Carpenter vampires

More than merely dispensing with the blood-suckers, Crows and company acquire a unique, urgent duty: prevent Valek from possessing a relic that could enable vampires to walk in daylight. 

After Valek slaughters most of Crow’s team at their motel, the vampire hunter links up with a local prostitute, Katrina (Sheryl Lee), who survived the vampire attack despite sustaining a bite. This vamp-bite provides her with a psychic link to Valek, enabling Crow and Katrina to track the undead leader across the Southwest.

But will they be able to thwart his evil designs before it’s too late? 

Intense And Gory Excellence

John Carpenter vampires

Like many excellent John Carpenter films, Vampires benefits from the director’s impressive and signature use of practical effects and makeup. Both lend a tangible layer of terror to the film, an element of genuine horror CGI often fails to achieve. Thus, the vampire transformations and kills accomplish a level of intensity not usually seen today. 

Carpenter is clearly in his element in the film, fully embracing his vision without compromise; the R-rating paves a path for the artist, enabling gory excellence while providing ground for arresting themes: redemption, loyalty, and vengeance. The film’s sensibility revels in brutal honesty tempered by thrilling, genre-forward direction. As with many of his movies, John Carpenter composed Vampire’s score; it might not be as iconic as the score from Halloween, but it gets the job done. 

James Woods Knew The Assignment

John Carpenter vampires


James Woods is also in peak form here, as an anti-hero extraordinaire, exuding rugged charm and demonstrating relentless determination. Employing morally ambiguous methods, the protagonist is far from the typical heroic archetype. 

While the movie was released to mixed reviews (some critics lauded the film’s bold take on the genre while others decried the sheer savagery of the violence), John Carpenter’s Vampires has garnered a cult following over the years, and for good reason. Given its acquired taste, streaming is probably the ideal home for the project. 

Ultimately, to enjoy a film crafted by horror’s finest practitioner, stream Vampires today for a bloody good time.