Netflix Sci-Fi Time Travel Mystery Completely Overlooked Gets Second Chance

By Michael Heuer | Published

Time travel has been a popular fictional subject at least since H.G. Wells wrote and published his popular novel The Time Machine in 1895. The 2017 film Time Trap doesn’t use a machine for time travel or even a hot tub. Instead, time travel occurs when unsuspecting folk unwittingly enter a cave and are trapped in a distorted version of time and space where they might encounter a variety of prior cave visitors.

A Mystery In Texas

Mark Dennis and Ben Foster co-directed the sci-fi action adventure film Time Trap starring Olivia Draguicevich, Cassidy Gifford, Brianne Howey, Reiley McClendon, and Andrew Wilson. An archeology professor named Hopper has gone missing in a remote region of Texas, and they want to find him. Hopper was also searching for missing people—a group of hippies who disappeared in the area during the 1970s.

A Stunning Discovery

While searching the remote area, Hopper discovers a cave that contains what appears to be a cowboy in a state of suspended animation within the time trap. He goes back to the college to dismiss his graduate students, then returns to the cave and goes missing for several days. Two of his graduate students, Taylor and Jackie, worry about him and track Hopper’s movements.

Into The Caves

As Time Trap’s mystery deepens, Taylor and Jackie bring a friend named Cara, her sister, Veeves, and a friend of her sister named Furby. They find the hidden cave with climbing ropes rigged for use at its opening and decide to go in while Furby stays at their camp with a radio to communicate with the cave explorers.

Jackie tries to climb out of the time trap cave, but the rope fails, which causes her to fall and land on Taylor. The impact injures them both, and they try radioing Furby for help. Oddly, they get a transmission from inside the cave, which prompts them to go deeper into the unknown cave system.

The Time Trap Is The Beginning

They come across Furby’s digital camera, and the video footage shows his recent search through the missing hippies’ belongings, which shows that they are Hopper’s parents. The timestamp of the video footage also shows several days had elapsed for Furby during what was only about an hour for the group in the time trap cave.

If you think you know where Time Trap is going, you don’t because this film decides to take risks with a major twist seemingly every twenty minutes.

Not Every Movie Has To Be 2 Hours

The film combines sci-fi with a compelling mystery that keeps audiences wanting to know more. Time Trap is a very well-paced 87-minute movie that proves to be very entertaining.

About two-thirds of critics and audiences alike found it worth watching as reported by Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb. Its short run time makes it a low-risk viewing endeavor with the potential for a high reward for fans of sci-fi, time travel, and mysteries. In this era of overstuffed blockbusters, getting a complete story in under 90-minutes is simply unheard of, but Time Trap delivers.

You can stream Time Trap on Netflix.