Netflix Sued By Drug Lord’s Family

When it comes to using a person’s likeness for a film or television project, there’s always a chance you may ruffle some feathers of those closest to the person on whom your material is based. This is precisely the problem that Netflix and Sofía Vergara are running into with the release of the new mini-series, Griselda. Hoping to tell the unbelievable stories of one of the most powerful women in the drug trade, the production stepped on some toes you wouldn’t want to step on as Griselda Blanco’s estate strikes back with a lawsuit.
Griselda Blanco’s Son Sues Netflix And Sofia Vergara

Gunning to bring down the entire crew behind the dramatized series, not only was Netflix named in the lawsuit but Sofía Vergara and a handful of others involved as executive producers were also named as co-defendants in the documents. The now ongoing law squabble surrounding Griselda was handed down by Blanco’s son, Michael Corleone Blanco, and his wife, Marie, who are looking to bring “in excess of $50,000” in damage from the streamer and other names on the list.
The Lawsuit Could Stop The Series From Airing

The son and daughter-in-law of the late Colombian drug boss are also hoping that their pushing of the legal process will result in the show being halted from its January 25 premiere.
So, what’s the basis of their claims? Well, the Blanco family is claiming that Netflix used unauthorized materials to bolster the hype of the show and that the studio and creative team also overstepped their boundaries when it came to the main character’s “likeness” with Griselda Blanco herself as well as other members of the tight-knit family.
Griselda’s Son Alleges Netflix Owes Him Money

Further drawing a line in the sand on what they deemed as trickery and unacceptable business practices, the Blanco family says that the producers of Netflix’s Griselda formed much of their material from conversations they had with Michael Corleone Blanco. While this seems like a good way for the project to get all the facts right and ensure the family’s happiness with the portrayal of their matriarch, the lawsuit claims that Blanco wasn’t compensated for these meetings.
Griselda Is Set To Release January 25

The main problem for the Blanco family is, at this point, it will be challenging to halt the production from seeing the light of day as the series is one day short of its premiere. As many of us have learned from watching documentaries, the wheels of justice grind slowly and the chance of Netflix and the Blancos seeing their day in court anytime soon is likely out of the realm of possibility. Should, however, the estate win its case against the streamer, Griselda could eventually be pulled from the platform’s long list of content.
Sofia Vergara As Griselda

In Netflix’s Griselda, Sofía Vergara stars as Griselda Blanco, one of – if not the – biggest female names in the Colombian drug trade. Being that she was a woman, Griselda’s story is set apart from others as her sex was perceived as a weakness by many, with the underestimation eventually helping her with her business. During the 1980s, Griselda operated in Miami, Florida, hustling and slinging cocaine to the bustling and busy nightlife that the city was then known for.
Barring any sudden legal moves, Netflix’s miniseries, Griselda, will hit the platform tomorrow, January 25.
Source: USA Today