Netflix Exclusive Anime Will Be The Next Big Hit

Anime fans get ready for the impending arrival of Sakamoto Days on Netflix, as per a recent leak. Yes, the streaming giant, hoping to quash the leak, soon updated its statement on upcoming releases to omit the long-awaited anime adaptation, but the project is nonetheless on its way.
Sakamoto Days

For those who have yet to dive into the original manga, Days was originally serialized in Shonen Jump. It relates the tale of Taro Sakamoto, a once legendary assassin who has left the world of violence, murder, and mayhem behind.
Leading a humdrum, peaceful existence running a small-town store, Sakamoto’s days become eventful indeed as his present tranquility is increasingly threatened by his less-than-tranquil past.
The comic, which combines excellent anime with a plot archetype similar to that of John Wick or A History of Violence, brilliantly mixes comedy and action, and earned a dedicated following.
Netflix’s Anime

For their part, Netflix has gradually but dedicatedly expanded its reputation for sporting popular, critically acclaimed anime projects. Anyone who enjoys the intense battles of Baki The Grappler or the anthropomorphic drama Beastars knows the streaming platform has become somewhat synonymous with quality anima.
Sakamoto Days should add another appreciated layer to Netflix’s anime roster.
Reports recently floated out of License Global, motivated frenetic speculation—would the streaming giant divulge the anime series sooner than expected, the comic book world asked? Sure, Netflix has made the somewhat dramatic movie of plucking the title from its corporate-approved list of forthcoming productions and shied away from supplying the web with its release date.
Regardless, with or without the streamer’s stamp of approval regarding the news, anticipation for the anime is palpable.
A Promising Precedent

By strategically acquiring Sakamoto Days, Netflix underscores its commitment to providing genuinely compelling anime content.
The exclusive streaming rights to popular titles secured by the platform ensure it draws in an enormous audience. Such wide appeal significantly strengthens Netflix’s edge in the incredible competitive streaming market.
The platform has already enjoyed success serializing other anime projects like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean and the live-action adaptation of One Piece (okay, it’s not anime—but you get what we mean).
Case and point: Sakamoto Days follows a promising precedent.
Streaming Rights

Sakamoto’s journey from being the alpha dog assassin feared by baddies and looked up to by fellow contract killers to an overweight, family-oriented shopkeeper—well, it’s begged for adaptation in an anime long enough. Hopefully, a compelling action comedy series will result. Netflix’s track record makes us optimistic.
The company’s first foray into anime commenced in the mid-2010s, with the platform snagging streaming rights for beloved projects like Naruto and Death Note.
Soon, the world’s best branded streamer ventured into producing original content like the upcoming Sakamoto Days, manifested in 2017’s Castlevania.
More News To Come

Partnering with renowned studios like Production I.G. and Bones, Netflix brought to life critically acclaimed series such as Devilman Crybaby and B: The Beginning, paving the way for the company to evolve into a service associated with a strong anime offering.
As we await the official announcement (and release date) of Sakamoto Days, it will be hard to quell the mounting excitement. We’ll do our best.