Netflix Sci-Fi Anime Trilogy Gives King Of The Monsters An All-Timer Series

By Douglas Helm | Published

Do you like anime? Do you like Godzilla? Then you should head over to watch three anime Godzilla movies on Netflix right now.

Godzilla and anime are such an obvious pairing that it’s surprising there aren’t more of them, and right now, Netflix has three of the best offerings from that very particular genre. The movies Planet of the Monsters, City on the Edge of Battle, and The Planet Eater tell a cohesive and exciting story, essentially making up a full season of anime in one easily binge-able trilogy.

While this trilogy isn’t necessarily something many fans of the world’s most famous kaiju consider the best the IP has to offer, it still gets points for doing something very different with the franchise.

Planet Of The Monsters

The first movie in the Godzilla trilogy on Netflix is Planet of the Monsters, which sets up a world where Godzilla took over the planet Earth around 20,000 years ago. Humans were forced to leave Earth. Now, a group of human refugees plan to return to Earth and recolonize it while taking their planet back.

City On The Edge Of Battle

The second film of the Godzilla trilogy on Netflix is City on the Edge of Battle, which sees humanity continue to try and battle Godzilla by using the power of Mechagodzilla. One caveat to this film is that many viewers felt it was a step down from the interesting setup you see in the first movie. Essentially, it’s sort of a table-setting movie that provides additional context and exposition before shuffling you along to the grand finale in The Planet Eater.

The Planet Eater

The third and final film of the Godzilla trilogy on Netflix is The Planet Eater, which sees humans, two alien races, and Godzilla himself forced to join forces to take on a greater existential threat. Of course, fans of the franchise can probably guess which kaiju from Toho’s history is the existential threat, but we can leave that particular spoiler out just in case you want to leave it a mystery. In any case, many reviews agree that this is the most ambitious of the trilogy, but whether or not the film sticks the landing left many reviewers divided.

CGI Animation

One thing that certainly holds the Godzilla anime trilogy on Netflix back from greatness is the choice of animation for the films. While CG-style animation can sometimes work, it’s safe to say that it’s one of the more controversial ways to animate a film, and many people will immediately turn it off. If you don’t mind CG animation, these films do it pretty well, but it’s still not many people’s favorite animation style.

The Entire Trilogy Is On Netflix

After seeing things like Production IG’s amazing Kaiju No. 8 anime, it’s hard not to want the Godzilla IP to make an anime like that instead. Still, some Godzilla anime is better than none at all, so make sure to check out this trilogy on Netflix if you’re interested. You can stream Planet of the Monsters, City on the Edge of Battle, and The Planet Eater now.