Neil Breen Just Released The Trailer For His 6th Professionally Made, Feature-Length Film
Filmmaker Neil Breen released a trailer for his sixth feature film, Cade the Tortured Crossing, and it has to be seen to be believed.

Infamous moviemaker Neil Breen is about to release his sixth film on the world, Cade the Tortured Crossing, and judging by the trailer, it is just as insane and amazing as his previous work. The auteur made the announcement himself on his official Twitter account, which helpfully points to the newly launched website for the upcoming film. For the initiated that may not be familiar with Breen’s work, it is worth your time to watch the trailer and be amazed at the art unfolding before you.
Cade the Tortured Crossing sees Neil Breen reprise his role as Cade Altair from the film Twisted Pair, except instead of battling his identical twin brother who is also an artificial intelligence, Cade is now restoring an old mental asylum. In doing so, the man that is also an artificial intelligence entity with God-like powers, trains the patients to fight for themselves against an evil organization, or a corrupt doctor, or well, something oppressing them. As unclear as the plot may be from watching the trailer, it likely makes only slightly more sense in the full feature film, which is to be expected for a film by Neil Breen.
Previous titles, including Pass-Thru and Fateful Findings, have been just as amazingly incomprehensible, and all of them star Neil Breen, are written by Neil Breen, directed by Neil Breen, edited by Neil Breen, and scored by Neil Breen. A self-made Las Vegas-based architect, Breen ahs been making films since 2005, though he first rose to prominence in 2012 thanks to Red Letter Media. A very small production company founded by independent filmmakers, Mike Stoklasa and Jay Bauman, Red Letter Media exploded on YouTube following video reviews of the Star Wars prequels.

The success of the Star Wars video reviews led to other long-form videos, including the series Best of the Worst and Half in the Bag, which both have featured Neil Breen films. Mike and Jay, while having fun at the expense of his movies, also absolutely love the insanity of movies that reach far, far beyond their grasp in terms of plots and special effects. The ironically unironic love for Breen’s films has developed into a cult following, similar to the one behind Tommy Wiseau’s The Room, immortalized in James Franco’s The Disaster Artist.
Beyond the strange plots dealing with vast conspiracies and a perfect hero character, Neil Breen’s films also have some of the best worst special effects ever captured on film. Cade the Tortured Crossing appears to have been filmed entirely on a green screen, with some scenes featuring multiple images of Breen on screen at the same time. The result is so bad that it goes right around to being kitschy and perfect for late-night viewings by groups of friends.
According to the film’s website, Cade the Tortured Crossing has been submitted for awards consideration, so rest easy, Everything Everywhere All At Once will have competition at next year’s award shows. Neil Breen is seeking film distributors to help get Cade the Tortured Crossing out to the public, which had better happen, as having seen that trailer, everyone needs to watch this film.