See Millie Bobby Brown Replace Eliott Page As X-Men’s Kitty Pryde
A fan artist makes an intriguing image of Millie Bobby Brown as the X-Men's Kitty Pryde.
This article is more than 2 years old

No, Millie Bobby Brown is not going to be in an upcoming X-Men movie from Marvel, but a fan artist who goes by the user name of cap.ironwidow on Instagram just gave us a look at how cool it would be if she were. In the photo, we see the Stranger Things actress’ head pasted onto Kitty Pryde’s body, showing us what the character could look like if Brown were really playing her.
In real life, Brown has been in the news recently as she celebrated her 19th birthday a couple weeks ago. Why is that newsworthy, you ask? Well, it’s because of who she celebrated it with: Mariah Carey.
Mariah Carey may have 34 years on Millie Bobby Brown, but apparently, the two are pretty close gal pals. They partied together for two nights straight for Brown’s birthday, kicking things off by dancing the night away at Beauty and Essex. According to Page Six, a witness who saw their group commented that they got “especially rowdy when Mariah’s ‘Obsessed’ came on.”
The next night, the two of them joined Millie Bobby Brown’s boyfriend, Jake Bongiovi, at TAO. Brown cuddled up with Bongiovi as she blew out the candles on her cake, and then she and Carey performed karaoke together.
If you’re wondering how Millie Bobby Brown and Mariah Carey started this strange, odd-couple sort of friendship, you can thank the singer’s children for that. Carey’s kids are big fans of Brown’s Stranger Things character, Eleven, which led to Mariah Carey seeking her out for a meeting.

Millie Bobby Brown first bonded with the “All I Want for Christmas Is You” singer’s twins, Monroe and Morocco, and then eventually found that she and Carey had big friendship energy.
“I’ll just go over and we’ll sing together,” Millie Bobby Brown told Jimmy Fallon in an interview. The young actress has even had the privilege of singing with Carey inside her in-home recording studio, something other fans of the singer could only dream of.
The two have grown so close that Millie Bobby Brown calls Mariah Carey “Mimi.” She has also said that the two of them “connected [on] so many different levels,” partially because they both grew up in front of the whole world. Brown admires how confident and knowledgeable Mariah Carey is, and she considers her to be a sort of mentor – but, like, a more fun kind of mentor that comes out and parties with you at the club and sings karaoke with you on your birthday.
On The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Millie Bobby Brown seemed to imply that the duo could even potentially be collaborating on new music someday, which would bring together two completely different fan bases.
So, while Millie Bobby Brown doesn’t really have any plans to play X-Men’s Kitty Pryde in the future, she could be doing something even more buzz-worthy!