Iconic Batman Performance Was A Nightmare

Despite their association with spandex, superhero costumes come in a variety of materials. Often, what looks iconic onscreen is extremely uncomfortable in real life. Nowhere is this more evident than with Michelle Pfeiffer’s skintight latex Catwoman suit from Batman Returns.
Saying that Michelle Pfeiffer was uncomfortable on the Batman set is an understatement. Getting in and out of Catwoman’s costume was nothing short of a nightmare for the actress.
Batman Returns

In fact, it was so bad that she couldn’t do it on her own and required helpers. The things movie stars do in the name of art.
And make no mistake, Batman Returns is art. Unshackled by the boxes he needed to check on the first Batman, Returns saw Tim Burton at his Tim Burtonest.
The 1992 sequel belongs to its macabre director first and Batman second. Unfortunately, Burton’s unique take on the Caped Crusader’s mythos meant Selina Kyle couldn’t wear just any bodysuit as Catwoman.
A Much More Darkly Inspired Costume

The man behind The Nightmare Before Christmas was never going to let his Catwoman wear a comfy spandex suit like the one Julie Newmar wore on the ’60s Batman show.
Tim Burton‘s Catwoman had to be decked out in something dark and twisted. Something like latex S&M gear with bright white stitches running throughout it.
Michelle Pfeiffer has described the ordeal she went through on the Batman set several times over the years. For one thing, the costume was tight. Like having a second skin tight. Pfeiffer called it the “most uncomfortable costume” she’s ever worn for a movie.
Getting Into The Costume Was Impossible

According to Michelle Pfeiffer, the Batman Returns crew had to cover her whole body with baby powder and then help her into the suit. Once it was on, the crew vacuum-sealed the latex to her body, making it nearly impossible to breathe.
Just standing around in the costume would be bad enough, but if you’ve seen the movie, you know that Catwoman is a very physically active role.
Michelle Pfeiffer performed many of her own stunts in Batman Returns, practicing with a trainer for months just to master Catwoman’s whip.
As impressive as that is, it’s ten times more impressive knowing that she had to do all of it wearing that suit. Especially since being tight wasn’t the suit’s only flaw.
If You Thought Masks Were Tough During Covid…

Michelle Pfeiffer’s Batman Returns memories include the Catwoman mask constantly “choking” her and “smashing” her face flat like a pug.
In addition, the crew constantly sprayed the suit with a silicon goo that gave it its iconic shine, resulting in Pfeiffer constantly walking around wet and tacky. But believe it or not, that’s still not the worst part.
The suit’s creator designed it with no way to use the bathroom. It wasn’t until Michelle Pfeiffer complained that the Batman crew modified the suit with a hidden zipper so she didn’t need to take a pit crew to the bathroom every time she had to pee.
You’d think that would have been part of the original design.
In Spite Of It All She Might Do It Again

Meanwhile, Pfeiffer couldn’t hear anything through the suit’s cowl and kept getting the claws caught on everything around her.
Is it any wonder that the actress admitted to burning all the Catwoman suits after shooting wrapped? And yet, despite the discomfort, Michelle Pfeiffer would absolutely consider reprising her Batman role if asked.
In the wake of Michael Keaton’s Batman coming out of retirement for The Flash, Michelle Pfeiffer was asked if she would ever reprise her Catwoman role.
The actress’s answer was that she would consider it but that it would “depend on the context.” We have a feeling that if Pfeiffer ever did play Catwoman again, she’d insist on a CGI costume.
After all, if it’s good enough for Iron Man…