Megan Fox Wants To Join A Billion Dollar Franchise
Megan Fox is looking ahead to her next projects.
This article is more than 2 years old

After being out of the spotlight for quite a while now, it may sound outlandish for Megan Fox to come back to acting and announce that she’s ready to join a billion-dollar franchise, but that’s just how she rolls. The actress is 35 years old now. She has movie trailers coming out for multiple projects. She’s back in the swing of things. Now that she has her eyes back on her ambitions as an actress, she’s looking at projects that interest her. According to what she shared in an interview with The Washington Post, after growing up a fan of comic books, Marvel or DC sound like a good opportunity to her.
In her interview, Megan Fox seemed focused on the transitions of her life. She shared that she’s a very spiritual person, with a heavy interest in astrology, and has always known that she could come back with a heavy interest in her artistic side and career when she was in her 30s. At this point, Marvel or DC feel like franchises that are in line with her interests and where she sees herself going. The Washington Post didn’t share whether she had any particular characters or movie series she could see herself in.
Megan Fox really came into the spotlight when she played Mikaela Banes in Transformers in 2007. She was only in the first couple of movies and played the cool girl trope perfectly. As she’s been out of the spotlight for a while, casually mentioning an interest in joining Marvel or DC sounds like a big leap, but her work in those early Michael Bay films was definitely big budget. The first Transformers film brought in $709 million at the worldwide box office, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen brought in $863 million. She followed that work up in 2009 with the much less financially successful, but now cult-favorite, Jennifer’s Body. In 2014, she played April for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Marvel and DC are big ambitions, but why not set the bar high, right?

Joining Marvel or DC aren’t the only possibilities she discussed at this time in her life. Ultimately, she said her goal is to grow into herself more as an actor. Megan Fox said: “I feel like I spent a lot of years not doing that because I sort of checked out from Hollywood. Now I’m ready to grow into myself.”
Another possibility on Megan Fox’s radar is a new project for Jennifer’s Body. Though the horror film from Diablo Cody came out in 2009 and was generally overlooked, it has a healthy fan base today. Fox said that she would be open to a project related to that original, perhaps a direct sequel film or she sees the potential for a television series. Nothing she said makes it sound like these projects are actually in the works, but that these are things she is open to as she is coming back onto the scene and putting her feelers out for new work. Based on the gained cult following for Jennifer’s Body, it sounds like these are ideas fans have suggested to her over the years, not necessarily like projects Diablo Cody or others involved are working to make happen.
Right now, Megan Fox has new movies popping up, she is working with big actors, and she’s getting her name out there again. If she ends up appearing in a Marvel or DC film three or four years from now, it wouldn’t be all that surprising.