Mandalorian Star Wanted To Be A Totally Different Star Wars Character
The Mandalorian star Katee Sackhoff wanted to play Princess Leia as a kid.

Many people born within the last half century grew up with the Star Wars franchise dominating their pop culture diet, idolizing the characters on the big screen as well as the heaps of additional Star Wars content available on the internet. One star from the Disney+ hit spinoff show The Mandalorian, Katie Sackhoff, expressed in a recent interview that she grew up idolizing the last princess of Alderaan herself, Princess Leia. A recent write up in reveals the Bo-Katan actress grew up on a steady diet of Star Wars films, stating “As a kid, I’d wanted to grow up to be Princess Leia… I loved what Star Wars was, so it blew my mind that the circumstances of my career had found me in that place!”
Given that The Madalorian has granted Katee Sackhoff her wish of being in the Star Wars universe, it’s funny to imagine the fierce leader of Mandalore trading places with Carry Fisher’s iconic portrayal of Princess Leia. Leia of course first appeared in the original 1977 film and became an instant icon for young girls everywhere due to her tenacious spirit and intense dedication to the rebel cause, only ending her Star Wars career after Fisher’s tragic passing in 2016. Leia’s fierce attitude may have inspired much of Katee Sackoff’s performance, but the actor’s confident and sardonic portrayal of Bo-Katan is unlike any Star Wars alumni who came before her.
Before appearing in The Mandalorian as Bo-Katan Kryze in live action, Katee Sackhoff first voiced the role in Cartoon Network’s hit computer animated program Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As the former leader of Mandalore, Bo-Katan has been a significant force in the events of the Pedro Pascal led show, rallying Mandalorian’s across the galaxy to embrace the tradition of their people. According to what little we know of the upcoming third season, we can expect to see Pascal’s Din Djarin returning home to seek forgiveness for his errors, likely encountering Bo-Katan and a host of other accomplished Mandalorians along the way.

Long before The Mandalorian, Katee Sackhoff was known for her work in sci-fi, such as her role of Captain Kara Thrace on Battlestar Gallactica, or Dahl, the vicious sniper in Vin Diesel’s 2013 Riddick reboot. Sackhoff has also lent her voice to the iconic eco villain Poison Ivy in Batman: The Long Halloween, as well as appearing in popular video game series’ such as Call of Duty, Resistance, and Halo. Clearly the star has created a powerful lane for herself using her incredible vocal talent, making her live action debut of Bo-Katan extra special and rewarding for long time Star Wars fans.
Beside the upcoming third season of The Mandalorian, Katee Sackoff is set to star in the upcoming Sci-Fi production The Last Transport, written and directed by Christopher Angel, which sees Sackhoff partnered with fellow Battlestar Gallactica alumni Michael Trucco. The film is still in pre-production, but is said to focus on a science fiction expedition off a doomed planet Earth, into outer space in the year 2021, as four people must contend with a departing ship which only holds a max capacity of two passengers. Given Sackhoff’s incredible science fiction bonafides, we’re sure the film will be a huge success.