LeBron James Joining Zack Snyder’s Sci-Fi Epic Rebel Moon?

Now that Zack Snyder has officially begun a new chapter in his filmmaking career, the visionary director is peering into the future for more on-screen talent. Snyder’s upcoming Netflix two-parter, Rebel Moon is set to launch its first installment later this month, with production expected to begin on the latter half in early 2024. According to Snyder, he’d love to see basketball champion LeBron James take on a role in his second Rebel Moon film.
LeBron James Is Already Building A Hollywood Career

Though it may sound odd to enlist one of the biggest NBA stars in the world for the Netflix-funded motion picture, it wouldn’t be that surprising. LeBron James has already starred in feature films such as 2021’s Space Jam: A New Legacy, and has popped up in small cameo appearances in numerous film and television outings over the years. James’ IMDb is littered with projects including Judd Apatow’s Train Wreck, The Simpsons, SpongeBob Squarepants, Teen Titans: Go and many more.
NBA Legends That Made The Switch

LeBron James isn’t the only professional baller to transition to a successful film career. Other NBA greats such as Shaquille O’Neal, Kevin Garnett, and Michael Jordan have shouldered motion picture credits in their day as well. As far as Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon, the filmmaker seems to be crafting an extended universe across different mediums, making it a perfect franchise for a massive name like LeBron.
LeBron James Could Boost Rebel Moon

Snyder plans to develop a comic series, a mobile game, and potentially even a full console video game for Rebel Moon, if he can secure the right funding and partnerships. LeBron James could serve as an excellent through-line in making that happen, as the NBA magnate has his hands in many television and video game projects, including the NBA 2K games series. Furthermore, James could tap Rebel Moon in to a wider audience of viewers who wouldn’t normally leap out of their seats to catch a sci-fi epic.
The Cast Of Rebel Moon

While expressing an interest in bringing LeBron James aboard, Zack Snyder acknowledged that the idea was a bit of a crazy fantasy, stating that his current cast was already a dream come true.
The current existing line-up of Rebel Moon – Part 1: A Child of Fire includes Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam, Anthony Hopkins, Cleopatra Coleman, Djimon Hounsou, Corey Stoll and more, making it one of the largest ensemble pieces of the year. When prompted with the same ‘dream casting’ question, star Sofia Boutella expressed interest in reuniting with her Atomic Blonde co-star Charlize Theron.
LeBron James Makes History In The NBA

If Zack Snyder does manage to cast LeBron James in the second installment of Rebel Moon, fans would surely welcome the addition. James currently touts an incredible list of NBA accolades, including the all-time leading scorer title, four MVP Awards, and 19 All-NBA Team selections.
LeBron is currently the oldest player in the NBA, meaning he may be on the lookout for a less physically demanding role within the next several years.
Still, LeBron James has been hailed for his longevity, and currently has no announced plans to leave the NBA. If the baller does decide to participate in Snyder’s upcoming film, it would likely constitute little more than a side hustle. Source: Variety