Jennifer Aniston Breaks Out Of Her Sweet Girl Routine In R-Rated Hulu Comedy

No one is prepared for the raunchy hilarity that is Horrible Bosses, a film so funny and so over-the-top that they had to follow it up with a sequel shortly after. And while the stars of this film are, of course, the three put-upon employees played by Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, and Charlie Day, the real breakout star of this movie is Jennifer Aniston as a villainous lunatic harassing her employee.
Horrible Bosses

Shockingly for some, Jennifer Aniston is at her most outrageous here. Horrible Bosses is an hour and a half of not-appropriate-for-children screening that you can’t help but fall on the floor laughing over. There are some hilarious scenes, some ridiculous ones, and some sweet and funny moments.
The bond between the three guys feels real, so you’re convinced these men must have had beers after the director yelled “cut!” The storyline is simple and yet insane, and the acting is fabulous from everyone involved.
And speaking of the director, it should come as no surprise that Seth Gordon, of The Lost City, Identity Theft, and Four Christmases is behind this movie. He really knows how to pull out the funny.
The Characters

For Jennifer Aniston fans who don’t know, Horrible Bosses is about just what it sounds like. Three guys, Nick (Bateman), Dale (Day), and Kurt (Sudeikis) are all in jobs with bosses who abuse them on a daily basis. Nick’s boss is the smarmy, devilish Dave played by a darkly comedic Kevin Spacey.
Dale is sought after by his boss, Julia (Aniston) who threatens to blackmail him unless he gives in to her advances. And Kurt’s actually quite happy at his job, until his boss dies and the cokehead psychopath son, Bobby (Colin Farrell) takes his place.
The Murder Consultant

Far from Jennifer Aniston’s relentless character, the men sit around a Fridays restaurant one night, drinking beers and complaining about their horrible bosses before deciding to finally do the right thing: have them all murdered. Hapless, they look for a hitman, and instead end up with a “murder consultant,” Motherf*ker Jones (played hilariously by Jamie Foxx).
From beginning to end, this movie is just pure madness.
The experiences the men have with their bosses, from Dave giving himself the promotion that was supposed to go to Nick to Bobby telling Kurt to fire the pregnant woman for being fat, are off-the-wall. But Julia’s pursuit of Dale is the most fascinating.
A Different Aniston

Before this role, Jennifer Aniston had only played sweet, endearing characters that you loved and you wanted to find love for. She’s so good. And in Horrible Bosses she’s so good at being bad. And her transformation is more than just her personality.
She’s hot and steamy in this film whereas before she’s always been girl-next-door cutesy. This role has her in sleek outfits, blunt-cut hair, and dark lipstick. She’s ready to bite, and she’ll laugh while she’s doing it.
Stream It Now

If you have not seen Jennifer Aniston in Horrible Bosses yet, now is your chance. It’s streaming on Hulu, and it’s well worth an hour and a half of your time. Just make sure the kids are out of the room. No, make sure they’re out of earshot entirely. It’s that bad… I mean good.