Jared Leto Wants Morbius To Team-Up With Another Marvel Hero
Jared Leto wants his Morbius character to team up with another Marvel hero and this one could definitely happen in the near future.

Marvel’s era of the Multiverse is well and truly upon us, and it seems that every studio involved in the world of Marvel comics wants a slice. The next film that could potentially tap into the world of the Marvel Multiverse is Morbius. Morbius lead Jared Leto recently told MovieWeb which character from the world of Marvel he would like to share the screen with.
It turns out that Morbius wishes to team up with Tom Hardy’s Venom, aka Eddie Brock. Here is what Leto had to say: “Besides Robert Downey, Iron Man, there are so many people that that would be fantastic, but of course, Venom would be would make a lot of sense. That would be fun.”
As Jared Leto says, this makes a lot of sense, Morbius jokingly quips in one of the film’s trailers that he is Venom, suggesting that the character is in the same Universe as Dr. Michael Morbius. Tony Stark of course makes a whole lot less sense, on the account of his demise in Avengers: Endgame. Venom and Venom: Let there be Carnage have proved to be a big success for Sony’s Spiderverse. Now, following the colossal crossover hit that was Spiderman: No Way Home, Sony has hit the go button on a Kraven the Hunter film as well as a Madamme Web feature.
When it comes to how Jared Leto’s Morbius film sits within all of these projects and the Spiderverse as a whole remains a mystery. If some of the past promo material is to be believed, there’s a case that any number of Spidermen could feature as the web-slinger that protects New York city in Morbius’ world. A Tobey Maquire-esque Spiderman mural is spotted in one trailer, the Oscorp building from The Amazing Spiderman films has also featured. Not only that, but Michael Keaton’s Vulture has also appeared in a trailer for the film. This character, of course, is notable as Tom Holland’s foe in Spiderman Homecoming. Keaton seems to be making a habit of multiversal activity, as he returns as Batman in The Flash and Batgirl.

Fans have been left questioning just where Jared Leto and Morbius sit amongst all of this, just who will be his Spiderman? To help clear this up, Cinemablend spoke to the man in the chair, Morbius director Daniel Espinosa. Espinosa gave his definitive take on the matter: “You have a world where you have the same characters, and it’s ALL of the characters, but they are slightly different. So in almost all verses, you have Spider-Man, or a Fantastic Four, or a Tony Stark, or a Morbius. But they will be different in tone. That’s not quite the way that the Marvel Cinematic Universe (is) approaching the idea, but they’re remaining to some core truth. Then you have the second kind of legend, which is about the totem. Which is that, in all universes, there is a spider totem. Which means that in all universes, there has to be a Spider-Man. Or a Spider-Woman.”
So, rather than narrow things down, Daniel Espinosa has opened it up even further. Maybe we won’t see either of the existing live-action Spiderman stars, maybe Josh Gad’s Peter Parker from Into the Spiderverse will appear. And maybe Jared Leto’s wish to meet up against Venom won’t see him share the screen with Tom Hardy, but Topher Grace.
Intriguing that both Jared Leto and Daniel Espinosa have cited Tony Stark as a potential inclusion in the same universe as Morbius. All this is, of course, hypothetical and is a major part of the comic book movie world. Fans will theorize and pose questions, conjure narratives, and filmmakers will do their best to make fans’ dreams come true. What is known though, is that Jared Leto will be sharing the screen with Matt Smith as the antagonist Loxias Crown. Also involved are Jared Harris, Adria Arjona, Corey Johnson, and Tyrese Gibson. The film will be hitting American cinemas on April 1st.