Jar Jar Binks Returning To Star Wars Wearing A Beard?
Jar Jar Binks could be sporting some facial hair when he returns to Star Wars.
This article is more than 2 years old

Since its introduction to fans across the world with 1977’s Star Wars: A New Hope, George Lucas and Lucasfilms has given fans a list of characters that will go down in the annals of movie history as some of the most beloved and the most admired. Then there’s Jar Jar Binks and we hope you’re sitting down for this next part, ‘cause it’s a doozy.
At first, you think, no way. There is no way this can happen. The “this” that we are talking about comes from Making Star Wars’ Jason Ward and according to Ward, Jar Jar Binks is on his way back to Star Wars. If believed, then fans will see Jar Jar return in the upcoming Disney+ Obi-Wan series that will be bringing back Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi and the recently announced Hayden Christensen as our favorite Anakin Skywalker. Rumor also has it that Liam Neeson will be reprising his role as Qui-Gon. So, why not get the band back together and bring along Jar Jar?
What is even more exciting, according to Ward and his sources, is that this new version of Jar Jar Binks is to be a much more mature version of Jar Jar. He arrives with a beard. The beard is to show fans just how much Jar Jar has endured since we last saw him. As you may or may not recall, it was Jar Jar’s actions (or partial actions) that helped the Galactic Empire take hold. Ward does stress, though, that at this point it’s all rumor that Jar Jar will return, nothing has been officially announced. His entire speculation can be seen below.
So, with the real possibility of a Gungan return, does that also mean the true voice of Jar Jar Binks, Ahmed Best, would be or even be willing to return to the role that, let’s face it, practically drove the man to consider suicide? Best had been going back and forth with Twitter fans and when was asked if he’d consider it, his response was, “I would return as #jarjarbinks but it really depends on the story.”
The fact that Best said he’d return is quite shocking given the history he’s had with the character and the loathing fans had for it. Best has admitted many times in the past that the horrible reaction to Jar Jar Binks, which included his voicing the part, took a major toll on his mental health, leading him down a very dark path. He Tweeted back in 2018, “20 years next year I faced a media backlash that still affects my career today. This was the place I almost ended my life. It’s still hard to talk about. I survived and now this little guy is my gift for survival. Would this be a good story for my solo show? Lemme know.”
Since that time, Jar Jar Binks actor Best has been able to heal, much of the healing came from the support he received from fans. “Thank you all for your love and kindness. Its been overwhelming. I’m gonna start writing this show. Gonna need help cause I’ve never done this before. I will be trying stuff out and posting it here. Let folks know. Thanks for all your support. It means so very much to me.”
Maybe enough time has passed? The creation George Lucas gave fans as his attempt to inject playful comedy into Star Wars has matured or so the beard hopes to tell you so. Ward has a feeling there are plenty who’d open their arms to a Jar Jar Binks return if done properly. So, who knows. Mesa thinks Jar Jar is up for it but is there anyone else out there who is longing for a Jar Jar return? Let us know!