Thanks To Jack Black, The Mandalorian Has Hit A New Low
The Mandalorian recently had a cameo from Jack Black and it is the lowest-rated episode in the show's run.

The Mandalorian, the popular sci-fi series on Disney+, has captured the hearts of Star Wars fans since its debut in 2019. The show’s unique blend of Western and space opera elements, coupled with its compelling characters and action-packed plot, has earned it a devoted fanbase. However, a recent episode featuring popular comedian and actor Jack Black has received the dubious distinction of being the lowest-rated episode of the entire series, according to Bounding Into Comics.
The episode in question is “Chapter 22: Guns for Hire,” the sixth of the show’s third season, which aired on April 5. In the episode, The Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) visits an opulent world in search of a more lucrative line of work. Jack Black pops up as a character named Captain Bombardier, and Grammy Award-winning artist, Lizzo, appears as The Duchess.
“Chapter 22: Guns for Hire” was directed by Bryce Dallas Howard, the daughter of Academy Award-winning filmmaker Ron Howard. She previously directed two highly-rated episodes of The Mandalorian, including “Chapter 4: Sanctuary” from the first season and “Chapter 11: The Heiress” from the second season. Unfortunately, “Chapter 22: Guns for Hire” hasn’t been nearly as well received by fans.

Criticism has been directed at the episode’s silly plotline and the appearances of stars like Jack Black, Lizzo, and Christopher Lloyd. Fans have accused the series’ showrunners of using celebrity cameos to distract from its lackluster writing. Unsurprisingly, dedicated viewers of The Mandalorian have been extremely vocal about their discontent with Disney+’s lack of substance in Season 3.
Many have noted that the titular character seems to be overshadowed by the whacky storyline.
Along with its cameos from high-profile stars like Jack Black and Lizzo, “Chapter 22: Guns for Hire” has faced criticism from numerous fans for being a mere filler episode in an already brief, eight-chapter season. In fact, many fans have blasted the entire third season for its repeated use of side story quests, particularly after the bombshell Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) reveal in “Chapter 21: The Pirate.”
After waiting in anticipation for over two years for The Mandalorian to return to Disney+, it’s understandable that fans are disappointed to find that the current season is not living up to their expectations of delivering without compromise.
With a score of 6.4 from users on IMDB, “Chapter 22: Guns for Hire” has now become the lowest-rated episode of The Mandalorian. Prior to this, “Chapter 19: The Convert” held the dubious distinction of being the worst-rated episode, with a 7.1 rating. Additionally, the Season 3 premiere of the series, titled “Chapter 17: The Apostate,” is also among the lowest-rated episodes, with a 7.5 rating.
It probably goes without saying that things aren’t looking too bright for the current season of The Mandalorian. With only two episodes remaining, the show can’t rely on cameos from stars like Jack Black to keep viewers engaged. The series is clearly in trouble and needs to come up with compelling storylines that captivate audiences and restore their faith in the Star Wars spin-off series.