Jack Black Is Going Back To School Of Rock
Jack Black is putting together a 20-year reunion for the cast from School of Rock.

If you’re an Elder Millennial, then you’re probably starting to notice that the music and movies you grew up with are hitting pretty significant anniversary milestones. We’re not trying to make you feel old, but, hey, time only moves forward, and Jack Black (The Super Mario Bros., Nacho Libre) is quite excited about the upcoming 20-year anniversary of School of Rock, one of his most successful films. According to Variety, Black will be reuniting with the cast from the 2003 film, and he’s beyond thrilled to meet up and jam out with his now grown-up co-stars.
Though Jack Black states that he’s most proud of Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny because it’s the only film he wrote from start to finish, he maintains that School of Rock was the highlight of his career. And it’s not only because of its resounding success and subsequent Broadway musical that was met with critical acclaim but simply because he loves the memory of working with his co-stars in the film. Speaking of getting old, Black is also excited that all the kids who starred in the film are now in their 30s, and he is ready for a proper reunion to celebrate all things School of Rock.
In no uncertain terms, School of Rock is the ultimate coming-of-age story of the early 2000s. Jack Black’s Dewey Finn character will go down as not only an amazing mentor to the students in the film but he inspired kids who watched the film to embrace their inner weirdness. Preteen years are often rife with insecurity and growing pains, but the film permeates the positive message that none of your quirky idiosyncrasies matter as long as you’re confident and know how to rock!

Jack Black’s enthusiasm for music cannot be understated in School of Rock. In fact, he was so charismatic in his efforts to get Led Zeppelin to let director Richard Linklater use some of their tunes in the film that Robert Plant actually said yes! Even though Linklater expressed doubt, considering that Led Zeppelin wouldn’t let him use their songs in Dazed & Confused, Black was able to pull it off. All it took was a quick video request from Black and the cast for Zeppelin to “bless them with their love.”
Leave it to Jack Black to rally the troops and get together to accomplish a shared goal. Not only was Led Zeppelin gracious enough to let their famous “Immigrant Song” be used in the film, but it’s also likely that they didn’t regret the decision. After all, School of Rock successfully exposed a whole new generation of kids to the bygone era of 70s rock.
In regard to the reunion with the now grown-up cast (including Miranda Cosgrove), Jack Black assures us all that he will be sharing photo and video footage from the epic gathering on his social media. As for what the reunion entails, we’re hoping we’ll be able to see some blistering jam sessions. Though we’re not sure if John Cusack and Sarah Silverman will be present, it would be epic if the entire cast could get together.