Horror Legend Coming Back To The MCU?

By Chris Snellgrove | Published

Legendary horror director Sam Raimi helped make Bruce Campbell into a horror icon thanks to the Evil Dead movies, and Raimi similarly made Campbell a comic book icon by casting him in his trilogy of Spider-Man movies. Those worlds collided when Raimi directed Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, a horror-drenched tale that brought Bruce Campbell back to Marvel for a fun cameo. Now, Campbell has strongly hinted in a Variety interview that not only will he be returning to the MCU but that his Pizza Poppa character is more important to this universe than anyone could have guessed.

Bruce Campbell Returning In A Big Way?

Bruce Campbell’s Marvel Cinematic Universe debut seemed like just a glorified cameo at first…In Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, he plays the pie-sling Pizza Poppa, someone who chastised America Chavez for stealing a pizza ball. He ends up confronting Strange, thinking him an impostor who is wearing the clothing of his own world’s fallen magical hero. Strange uses a spell to make the pizza man repeatedly punch himself, but Campbell is now hinting that this was more than just a comedic cameo, asking “You think I’d sign a contract that thick for that simple throwaway character?”

Sadly, Bruce Campbell didn’t spill any details on the importance of his Marvel character, but he did rhetorically ask “in the Marvel timeline, I’m just the Pizza Poppa?” before adding “Please don’t kid yourself.” Part of his evidence for this claim is that he allegedly had to sign a huge contract to appear in the movie, but the length of the contract may simply reflect the desire to bring him back for potential future cameo appearances.

Saving Doctor Strange

doctor strange 2

Still, Bruce Campbell is adamant that his Marvel character is more significant than audiences imagined, and he hinted that his comedic interaction with Doctor Strange might have had some hidden importance. Pointing out that “I delayed Doctor Strange,” the Evil Dead star then asked, “I delayed him from what?” That led to his final major question on the matter: “Did I just save Doctor Strange’s life?”

More Than A Fun Cameo

Perhaps sensing that he had already said too much, Bruce Campbell decided to pump the brakes, saying “The Marvel world is really just starting and again, I can only comment so much.” Of course, what he has said so far is a true mouthful for fans of this long-running superhero franchise. There didn’t previously seem to be any rhyme or reason to the Pizza Poppa’s appearance, leaving us with every reason to assume that director Sam Raimi was just having fun by involving his original movie star.

Sam Raimi Also Returning?

sam raimi magic

Speaking of Raimi, he might be the primary cause of Bruce Campbell’s return to Marvel. There are strong rumors (albeit no official confirmation) that Raimi will be returning to the MCU to direct the third Doctor Strange film. Should that happen, and he decides to bring Campbell back, we might learn whether Pizza Poppa truly has some kind of cosmic importance in this universe or if the comedic star was just making a deadpan joke at Variety’s expense.

Bring Pizza Poppa Back

As big fans of Bruce Campbell, we’re hyped about his prospective return to Marvel. Sure, Pizza Poppa was a weird character, but he provided something the modern MCU could use plenty more of: laughter. And if his contract really was as thick as he says, Campbell might be doing some laughing of his own…all the way to the bank, that is.

Source: Comic Basics