Hicks From Aliens Is Fighting A Killer Kangaroo

By Matthew Swigonski | Published

Okay, if a deranged killer kangaroo that’s on the loose and ripping people to shreds doesn’t get your attention, then one of the most popular characters in the entire Alien franchise just might. Michael Biehn, who portrayed Corporal Hicks in the 1986 blockbuster Aliens, is starring in an upcoming horror comedy that is looking to create a brand new zoological villain when it hops into theaters on Halloween. From newcomer Ryan Coonan, Rippy will pit a bloodthirsty and undead kangaroo against the always formidable Michael Biehn, an actor who has certainly faced off in his fair share of cinematic battles against challengers of all types… and species.

Michael Biehn is turning in a space colony for the Australian Outback as Rippy tells the story of a young and hard-nosed sheriff (Tess Haubrich) who is looking to make her impact on her community and live up to her father’s revered reputation as an effective police officer.

With the help of her eccentric Vietnam War veteran uncle (Michael Biehn), the unlikely duo team up and attempt to stop the out-of-control zombie kangaroo Rippy before it decimates the entire town.

However, things get a little complicated when a never-before-seen viral outbreak wreaks havoc on the Australian countryside, infecting any living creature in its path and turning them into feral zombies with only one thing on their mind. After a kangaroo finds itself overtaken by the zombie virus, it sets its sight on a small nearby town that is under prepared to repel the attacks by the murderous marsupial.

Michael Biehn in Rippy

It isn’t until the discovery of a handful of shredded-up townsfolk that the young sheriff realizes that she might be facing a challenge that could be too difficult for her to take on alone. With the help of her eccentric Vietnam War veteran uncle (Michael Biehn), the unlikely duo team up and attempt to stop the out-of-control zombie kangaroo Rippy before it decimates the entire town. But as the behemoth seven-foot tall animal rips through anything and everything standing in its path, finding a way to stop it might be easier said than done.

If the film’s trailer revealed anything, it’s that Rippy, as well as its star, Michael Biehn, know exactly what type of movie it is, and that’s a horror comedy that never appears to take itself too seriously.

…fighting off a horde of seemingly unstoppable Xenomorphs in Aliens, Michael Biehn is well-suited to fill the shoes of a gun-toting and irreverent uncle in Rippy.

While there will certainly be copious amounts of blood and gore, there just might be a greater amount of zippy jokes and corny one-liners. Rippy might not be the next Jaws, but the Michael Biehn-led film has the making of a possible cult classic in the making.

Rippy will pit a bloodthirsty and undead kangaroo against the always formidable Michael Biehn, an actor who has certainly faced off in his fair share of cinematic battles against challengers of all types… and species.

From facing off against a time-traveling and terror-inducing cyborg in The Terminator to fighting off a horde of seemingly unstoppable Xenomorphs in Aliens, Michael Biehn is well-suited to fill the shoes of a gun-toting and irreverent uncle in Rippy. Although the 69-year-old actor never quite became a household name, his performances in critically acclaimed and financially successful films throughout the 80s helped Biehn several auditions for starring roles.

Unfortunately for Beihn, he’d eventually lose out to Michael Keaton for the chance to portray Bruce Wayne in Batman, which became a sign of things to come for the actor. While Biehn has continued to work steadily over the last four decades, he has remained somewhat under the radar in Hollywood, mainly appearing in Video On Demand films and low-budget productions. Rippy might not be at the level of a major Hollywood blockbuster, but Michael Biehn appears to be just fine with that.