Henry Cavill’s Superman Being Replaced By Female Hero In Rebooted DC Timeline?
A new female Superman is on her way, replacing the long-standing Henry Cavill. It is being rumored that DC is rebooting the film franchise again.
This article is more than 2 years old

DC has been up to presumably the same things that Marvel is currently involved in. Both properties are messing with the multiverse and inclusion of different timelines and versions of their most respected heroes. That is certainly the case for the upcoming The Flash and Batgirl film. Both these entries will see the fan-favorite Michael Keaton return as Batman. He will effectively be replacing Ben Affleck going forward. Kind of an upgrade, right? Well, now it seems as if DC’s plans moving forward are going to be replacing Henry Cavill, only this time with Supergirl. It is being reported that Sasha Calle is set to take on the role of Supergirl in The Flash.

This news may come as a shock, but DC has been long dangling the idea that Henry Cavill would be returning as the Last Son of Krypton, for too long. The man is likely tired of waiting, or DC just thought to replace him anyway. In this newly rebooted franchise of sorts, Zod will have accomplished his goal of killing the baby Kal-El, leaving the world without Superman, however, his female counterpart comes into the fold. Sasha Calle is set to take on Kara Danvers aka Kara-Zor-El. In the same light, Danvers was raised on Krypton by Superman’s aunt and uncle, and she was also rocketed to earth to save her life when the planet was destroyed. Though she is but a high school girl, she is one of the most powerful heroes in all of DC. Look as if she is going to be the main Super-person going forward. On top of appearing in The Flash, a Supergirl solo film has also been announced.
While this is some great news considering there hasn’t been a live-action Supergirl in the films quite yet, it’s also disheartening to know that Henry Cavill is leaving behind one of his best characters. Man of Steel remains one of the best DC entries, and it is said that property will not be explored going forward. This whole drama between Zach Snyder, Joss Whedon, and DC sort of messed things up. Not that Cavill will need to be Superman any longer, as he is currently enjoying tons of success as Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher. However, he was the best to ever rock the Superman suit, in my humble opinion. Maybe now that the man is set to move on to other things, we might get a chance to see the MCU pick him up in some form. That would be surely welcomed.
Henry Cavill is rumored to be starring in the Highlander reboot, so he is well on his way to acquiring even more iconic roles. DC will not be the same without him, that is for sure, but it is exciting to see where the company is taking their new films. The Flash is slated for a June 23, 2023, release date, so fans will finally get to see Michael Keaton return, as well as brand-new Supergirl. Hopefully, the new entries will unravel the mess that the past DC entries have gotten themselves into.