Henry Cavill Highlander Finally Gets The News Fans Needed

By Shanna Mathews-Mendez | Published

The Highlander

Raise your hand if you’re dying to see Henry Cavill in the Highlander reboot. Yes, we’ve been hearing about this film for years, since 2021, and it’s finally here: some news! Director Chad Stahelski, who directed the John Wick films, has announced that filming for the new movie will begin in January of 2025.

Henry Cavill’s Got A New Sword

henry cavill

After watching Henry Cavill play Superman and The Witcher for several years, is there any doubt he can lead a major franchise and bring a new style of sword fighting to the screen in Highlander? No, there’s no doubt. Cavill has played the full range of roles, from action hero to intellectual, and his fans are pretty sure at this point that there’s nothing he can’t do. 

Well, Stahelski is going to put Henry Cavill to the test in his next franchise, Highlander. Apparently, both Stahelski and Cavill are huge fans of the original films, television series, and even comic books and animation.

We heard a story similar to this one with The Witcher. Cavill was such a big fan of the novels that it was important to him that Netflix stick to the original material in making the series. When the show began to make larger shifts away from the books, Cavill regrettably had to leave the show. 

The Fantasy Territory Cavill Is Eager To Occupy

henry cavill

Hopefully, with Stahelski at the helm, that won’t happen this time. We can only imagine that what makes Henry Cavill love the Highlander films is what made him love The Witcher. He’s often said he’s a great lover of video games, fantasy, and mystery. He’s a self-professed nerd. Thus, the fact that Highlander is a story about an immortal Scottish warrior from the 1500s on a mission to save the modern world from other, evil, immortals must warm his nerdy little heart. 

The Original Highlander Film

The Highlander

The film that set the franchise on the roll it’s been on for more than forty years, and captured the imagination of Henry Cavill, Highlander, did not originally get great reviews or big box office dollars in 1986. It stars Christopher Lambert as Connor MacLeod, the aforementioned Scottish warrior. Sean Connery plays his (Spanish) mentor, Juan Sanchez-Villalobos Ramirez (Yes. I’m raising my eyebrows, too.). Ramirez trains Connor in the 1500s to understand his immortality and wield his power for good. Meanwhile, The Kurgan (Clancy Brown) is wandering the earth beheading other immortals to absorb their power and rule the world for his nefarious purposes. 

A Cavill MacLeod Connection?

The Highlander

We can only assume that Henry Cavill will play Connor MacLeod in the Highlander reboot. The films that followed the original featured various relations of Connor’s, all immortals as well, all on various quests to save the world. It would be surprising if Stahelski decided to veer from the original material. What we do know is that he plans to have his cast train hard in sword fighting, so the audience feels as though we’re watching authentic warriors. 

John Wick With Swords

He has also said he plans to integrate the action style from John Wick — the fast-paced, over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek fight scenes that have us hooting and hollering as our hero assassinates a bad guy with a pencil. Yes, it’s clearly not real; but it’s so much fun. Here’s hoping Stahelski and Cavill both get to deliver their vision in ways that make us “ooooh” and “ahhhhh” as much as we hoot and holler in the upcoming Highlander film. In the meantime, we’ll keep watching for more news. 

Source: Collider