Exclusive: Hayden Christensen In Talks For Darth Vader Series
Giant Freakin Robot's sources have it that Hayden Christensen is in talks to star in a Star Wars series about Darth Vader.
This article is more than 2 years old

Outside of when the original movies came out 30 or so years ago, has there ever been a better time to be a Star Wars fan than right now? We are being treated to so many amazing developments in this franchise and the hits keep right on coming. Giant Freakin Robot has it from our trusted and proven source that there is another show in the works. Apparently, Hayden Christensen is in talks to star in his own Darth Vader series after they wrap up the story in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi. Man, what a time to be a Star Wars fan.
This latest exclusive has Hayden Christensen spinning off another story in the Darth Vader timeline and will likely extend off of the events of the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi limited series on Disney+. That show is set to pick up about ten years after the events of The Revenge of the Sith when Luke Skywalker has been put into hiding on Tatooine. The series will follow the titular character, with Ewan McGregor reprising the role for the prequel trilogy. It will tell the story of how he worked to keep Luke safe during those formative years.
Hayden Christensen had already been confirmed as taking part in that series, reprising his role as Anakin Skywalker which he took over starting with Episode II – Attack of the Clones. He’s credited with appearances in all eight of the planned episodes of the upcoming series though it’s a little unclear how central to the story he will be when it’s all said and done. That being said, it was a coup for the studio to have both of these actors come back in their roles for a section of the story that’s gone largely unexplored on the big or small screen for the Star Wars franchise.

A new series for Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader could take a number of different directions and will likely play on whatever happens with this next show. There’s some chance it’s a story detailing his initial rise to power following Revenge of the Sith. In some literature, this timeline is detailed, describing his onboarding to his new suit while he agonizes over the loss of Padme. But there’s also some chance this new series acts as an extension of what we get with Obi-Wan Kenobi. While the two characters are, of course, interconnected, there is a large chunk of time to reconcile between Episodes III and IV.
It’s more likely that the new Hayden Christensen series depicts this second timeline, considering it likely works better along certain narrative arcs. No matter which direction they go, this is likely to be one of the most significant developments we’ve seen in the Star Wars franchise. The chance to explore the emotional fragility and turn to evil within Darth Vader is one of the most fascinating stories in the franchise, especially considering what we know about how his story started and ultimately ended.
Bringing Hayden Christensen back into the Star Wars fold helps to continue bridging the movie trilogies and build out a universe that is only growing these days. In addition to Obi-Wan Kenobi, we are also getting The Book of Boba Fett near the end of the year with Season 3 of The Mandalorian in the works as well. Plus, don’t forget Ahsoka Tona with Rosario Dawson in the lead. Again, there’s never been a better time to be a Star Wars fan and this latest news only has the excitement building.