Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Script Has Not Changed Since James Gunn Firing
Despite concern about Guardians of the Galaxy's future with James Gunn, apparently, Gunn’s original vision for the franchise has changed very little.
This article is more than 2 years old

The road to Guardians of the Galaxy 3 has been fraught with problems for writer/director James Gunn. Gunn was fired by Disney and Marvel for a series of questionable tweets from years ago, yet was rehired soon after DC signed Gunn to write and direct their own The Suicide Squad. Yet despite all this back-and-forth and uncertainty over the years about Gunn’s future with the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, apparently, Gunn’s original vision for the franchise has changed very little.
When asked what the status of Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was on Twitter, James Gunn replied that the production heads for the film have been hired and that the script is done. When asked by one user if the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 script had changed at all since Gunn’s original firing, Gunn simply replied, “No very little.” Gunn did clarify in a later tweet that he’s always tweaking his scripts, sometimes often on set.
James Gunn continued to answer other questions about his upcoming projects. Gunn said that the only thing that he has had to add to one of his Marvel films is Thanos in the first Guardians of the Galaxy. He also said that the upcoming Peacemaker series would include directors other than him, however, Gunn did say that he had written all the episodes.
The lack of changes to James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy 3 script shouldn’t be a surprise, since it’s not as though Gunn would have included controversial jokes in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film. While Gunn has made some fairly dark, controversial, and weird films with jokes that boundary-pushing jokes, like 2006’s Slither or 2010’s Super, he knows what would and wouldn’t make it past Disney and Marvel at this point.

Despite James Gunn’s new start with Disney and Marvel, it’s unclear when Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will even begin production. Gunn is currently deep in work with Marvel rival DC on The Suicide Squad, which is currently planned for an August 6, 2021 release. After that, Gunn is working on Peacemaker, a spinoff of The Suicide Squad centered around John Cena’s character. The show is planned to begin shooting in early 2021.
Peacemaker recently announced several cast members who will be starring alongside John Cena. Danielle Brooks from Orange is the New Black will be a part of the show, as well as Robert Patrick as Auggie Smith, Chris Conrad as The Vigilante/Adrian Chase, and Jennifer Holland, who will reprise her The Suicide Squad character of NSA agent Emilia Harcourt. No word on who else from James Gunn’s Suicide Squad will appear in the upcoming series.

But even without James Gunn’s busy schedule, one has to consider when Guardians of the Galaxy 3 would even come out, considering how busy the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s schedule is. Marvel already has four films planned for 2021, and another four set for 2022. If Marvel keeps to this type of schedule, we might not see Guardians of the Galaxy 3 until 2023.
Yet even with the shaky past between James Gunn and Marvel/Disney, it’s good to know that both companies have mostly stayed out of what Gunn can and can’t do with his films. These might be Marvel Cinematic Universe films, but they will also be distinctly the work of Gunn as well.