New Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 Clip Suddenly Has Chris Pratt Using Rated R Language
Chris Pratt's Star-Lord appears to curse at his teammate in this new spot for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

Even though James Gunn is mostly busy these days building a bigger and better DCU, superhero fans are mostly hyped up for his upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Even though the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had diminishing returns lately, we can’t help but hope this particular sequel lives up to the hilarious adventures that Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord and crew have had before. However, judging by the trailer below, it looks like this movie might have one thing that no Marvel film has had before: a character dropping the f-bomb.
In the scene, we get the kind of humor that James Gunn has turned into an art form: superheroes having trouble with something mundane on their way to doing something awesome. In this case, Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord character tries to explain the trick to opening a car door to Nebula (played by Karen Gillan). As he gets more frustrated, Star-Lord eventually blurts out to “open the [bleeping] door.”
That may not seem very significant at first. After all, the Scott Pilgrim movie got plenty of comedy out of showing a character frequently cursing, complete with a black bar over her mouth. But this trailer puts no such bar over Chris Pratt’s mouth, meaning that you can clearly tell that he’s telling his colleague to “open the f******* door.”

The lack of a black bar has some fans thinking that when we see this scene in theaters, it will have no such bleeping. In its own way, that could make Hollywood history because Marvel movies have never used such explicitly R-rated language. But it would make sense coming from Chris Pratt’s character, whose inspirational speech near the end of the first movie had him tell his newfound friend that the universe has given them “a chance…to give a s***.”
While it’s definitely James Gunn’s style to sneak surprising profanity into a superhero movie, there is some precedent thanks to Iron Man 3. That film’s writer and director Shane Black has a similarly quirky sense of humor, and it was on full display in the scene where young Harley Kenner gave the heartbreaking story of his dad never coming back home after leaving for lottery tickets. Rather than express sympathy, Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark told the kid this is something “which happens, dads leave” and that there’s “no need to be a p**** about it” before telling the kid which ingredients to fetch.
This Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer and others manage to hype audiences without giving away what the plot is all about. For example, some fans are worried whether Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord or characters like Rocket and Groot are going to survive this outing or if Gunn is breaking all of his toys on his way out from Marvel. We also still don’t know why the Guardians are hanging out in suburbia and having trouble with vintage car doors, but it doesn’t matter…we’re excited enough at this point to copy Star-Lord and tell our local theater to “open the f******* door” when the movie premieres May 5.