Grant Gustin May Be In The Flash Movie
Grant Gustin could be jumping from TV to the big screen by appearing in The Flash.
This article is more than 2 years old

Grant Gustin has made a long-lasting impression on the DC universe. For over seven years, he has embodied the character of Barry Allen in the CW series, The Flash. In that time, he has cultivated a loyal fan following that will almost certainly cement him as one of the most important people to ever be attached to the comic book superhero. With that in mind, many fans have wondered why there has not been any report of the actor playing some kind of role in the upcoming feature film, The Flash. Well, that might actually be changing.
Insider Daniel Richman is reporting that Grant Gustin is in talks for a cameo in The Flash movie. Much like the recent news about Arnold Schwarzenegger potentially showing up in The Flash feature film, this certainly sounds like Warner Bros./DC is planning for The Flash to be a multiverse showcase across all their different iterations. And if they really want to give fans that kind of a treat, it would seem disingenuous if they didn’t acknowledge The Flash television series. That show has certainly helped the character find a new level of popularity over the last decade. There is no reason the movie shouldn’t pay some kind of tribute to the show.
And if that means having Grant Gustin suit up for a day’s worth of shooting, that seems like a pretty good deal. Gustin’s take on Barry Allen has been a true treasure for fans over the years. If he did not show up in The Flash movie, it could feel like a betrayal for many fans of the television series. Even a fleeting mention or appearance could be set up as a crowd-pleasing moment. And if the movie somehow manages to get both Grant Gustin and Ezra Miller standing side-by-side in their respective costumes, it would be a big hit across the internet.
In fact, it already was! Grant Gustin and Ezra Miller shared a scene during the Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover event on The CW. So the foundation has been set for the two versions of Flash to meet. Having Miller on the show would seem to necessitate an equally fun cameo for Gustin in the movie. There just does not seem to be much of a downside to having the television version of the character make a quick appearance in the movie.
So, what is the holdup? Well, Grant Gustin could be negotiating a certain fee for appearing. That would depend on how much work it looks like he would have to do. And The Flash film is still being developed. It has not yet started production. There are likely a lot of balls up in the air with how many cameos the movie wants to accommodate. So many variables could change the course of the production at any minute.
Hopefully, we can hear some concrete news about Grant Gustin joining The Flash for a cameo appearance as his version of the superhero. Seeing both Flashes on the big screen would be a real treat for fans of the character.