Grant Gustin On His Huge Body Transformation For Flash Season 7
Grant Gustin has undergone a big change for the new season of The Flash.
This article is more than 2 years old

Sometimes, social media is a downer. Other times, someone shows up and shares something personal and amazing. For instance, a story of how their life has been transformed for the better. Grant Gustin took to Instagram to share the story of his recent life changes and the effect you can now see in his frame. The starring actor for The Flash had some time to face some of his own anxieties during the pandemic. As he dealt with his mental health and learned to take better care of himself, he also worked on eating more and working out. He shared photos of his bulkier frame with his fans.
While Instagram users aren’t known for reading captions, you don’t want to miss this one. Grant Gustin shares how he began eating healthier, learning to meditate, and spend less time on social media. While it’s amazing that we can see this transformation in his body, he seems most happy with how these actions have affected his anxiety. He says he’s found a new version of himself. It sounds like he put the time during lockdowns to beautiful use.
Season 6 of The Flash ended abruptly when production was shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. The beginning of Season 7 of the series will include a mix of newly shot footage with things filmed before the shutdown. Grant Gustin says that we’ll start to see a beefier version of his character in either the second or third episode of the season.
The cut-short sixth season ended with Barry Allen facing off against the Mirror Master. The trailer for Season 7 has us start where we left off with hints of more of what’s coming. Iris is trapped inside the Mirror Verse. Barry is more desperate to save her. Halfway through the trailer, he amusingly says, “I called in a little bit of extra muscle,” though we haven’t yet got a good look at Grant Gustin in the suit with his new bulkier body. You can watch the trailer for season seven below.
The first episode of season seven premieres on March 2nd. It’s titled “All’s Wells That Ends Wells”. We already have a synopsis for the second episode of the season, “The Speed of Thought”. In episode two, Grant Gustin will develop a new power called “speed thinking”. He’s convinced this will be the key to saving Iris. Meanwhile, the rest of the team believes there are unknown dangers to the new power. Between the trailer and the synopsis for episode two, it sounds like Iris may be in danger for a while yet.
While fans are looking forward to The Flash season seven on The CW, we are also getting more news about The Flash movie. The film will star Ezra Miller in the title role. However, there are reports Grant Gustin will be appearing in the movie. There are some reports we’ll be seeing a lot of other actors and superheroes. Supergirl should be appearing in the movie. She’ll be played by Sasha Calle. Currently, the movie is scheduled to release November 2022.