When Gilbert Gottfried Met Pinhead From Hellraiser

By Jacob VanGundy | Published

hellraiser doug bradley

Old TV promos are a treasure trove of bizarre pop culture moments, and Gilbert Gottfried meeting Pinhead from the Hellraiser franchise is one of the strangest and most entertaining. A promo for USA’s “Up All Night” block featured the pair interacting to hilarious effect. The stark contrast between the horror movie icon and the comedian is played up with a few joking references to the Hellraiser franchise thrown in for good measure. 

The promo features Gilbert Gottfried wrapped in chains, trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube with Pinhead in the foreground staring menacingly. As the comedian cracks jokes, the cenobite gives a pseudosexual monologue. Naturally, the two also find time to promote USA’s showing of Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth as well. 

Pinhead’s partner in the promo, Gilbert Gottfried, was a legendary stand-up comedian and comedic actor who rose to prominence in the 80s and remained a fixture of the comedy world until he passed away in 2022.

Pinhead became the face of the Hellraiser franchise after the character appeared in the original movie as the leader of the cenobites. The cenobites are a group of extradimensional beings who are summoned by those seeking otherworldly sadomasochistic pleasures. Pairing that embodiment of taboo-breaking with Gilbert Gottfried is a great comedy premise, and the promo delivers. 

The movie bringing Gilbert Gottfried and Pinhead together is Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, one of the franchise’s most highly regarded entries.

Pinhead’s partner in the promo, Gilbert Gottfried, was a legendary stand-up comedian and comedic actor who rose to prominence in the 80s and remained a fixture of the comedy world until he passed away in 2022. He was known for his distinct, shrill voice and comedy based on controversial topics and insults. In addition to his comedy, he was well known for his role as Iago in Disney’s Aladdin. 

Pinhead and Gilbert Gottfried Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth promo

Featuring Doug Bradley as Pinhead and some great little nods to the franchise, the promo is sure to delight Hellraiser fans. Gilbert Gottfried being wrapped in chains is a reference to the fate of Frank in the original Hellraiser and his inability to solve the Rubik’s Cube is a comical take on the franchise’s signature Lament Configuration puzzle box. The cenobite’s poetic, subtextually sadomasochistic lines are also pitch-perfect.

While the promo seems specifically designed to appeal to Hellraiser fans, the comedy of Gilbert Gottfried interacting with a horror character is funny enough to appeal to those completely unfamiliar with Pinhead. The comedian being completely unphased by his horrific scene partner is a great use of his comedic style. The moment he offhandedly calls the cenobite “Zippy” perfectly illustrates what makes the promo so funny. 

YouTube videos of old ads are full of fun surprises like Gilbert Gottfried and Pinhead’s promotional team-up.

The movie bringing Gilbert Gottfried and Pinhead together is Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, one of the franchise’s most highly regarded entries. The 1992 movie is generally considered more accessible than the movies before it, pivoting into more conventional horror themes and style. Its more conventional style and high quality make it the perfect entry for a USA showing with a quirky celebrity promo. 

YouTube videos of old ads are full of fun surprises like Gilbert Gottfried and Pinhead’s promotional team-up. As pop culture artifacts that were designed to be forgotten, they’re perfect windows into the media of the time. In this case, the promo is also genuinely funny and entertaining, working as a stand-alone sketch that happens to feature a beloved comedian and a horror movie icon.