Gary Coleman Movie Lost For 40 Years Appears Online

By Matthew Swigonski | Published

Equipped with his famous “Whatcha talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” catchphrase and an infectious smile, Gary Coleman quickly became one of America’s brightest young TV actors in the late 1970s and early 1980s while starring in the long-running sitcom Diff’rent Strokes. Despite his early success, Gary Coleman’s impressive screen presence could only carry him so far, leading to trouble landing roles outside of the thankless cameo and occasional appearances in made-for-TV movies.

One of those made-for-TV movies was a 1985 film that had a single airing before being lost forever… until it was recently rediscovered and uploaded to YouTube, giving fans a chance to view Gary Coleman’s Playing with Fire for the first time in nearly 40 years.

Playing With Fire

Airing on NBC on April 14, 1985, Playing with Fire featured a much different side of Gary Coleman than fans were used to, forgoing his trademark smile and witty humor to play a much darker character. Following the Sunday airing of the movie, it was seemingly lost into the cinema ether, never securing a home release or follow-up airing. All hope of ever viewing the movie again was lost until a user uploaded a copy of the film to the Internet Archive, a digital library that includes materials including websites, software applications, music, and video.

Relive The 80s

Gary Coleman’s Playing with Fire has since been uploaded to YouTube as well, giving fans easy access to view the long-lost TV movie. To help aid in the trip down memory lane, the upload also includes the original TV commercials featured throughout the film’s airing, including an iconic Dr. Pepper ad that puts a twist on the classic Red Riding Hood story. While the upload isn’t exactly easy on the eyes, it’s an interesting watch for anyone eager to relive the 1980s.

Rose To Fame In Diff’rent Strokes

As Diff’rent Strokes entered its 7th Season, it was clear that the show was at the tail-end of its television run. As the show’s star, Gary Coleman had already begun to attempt to branch out in his acting career, taking roles in various lighthearted TV movies such as The Kid with the 200 I.Q. and The Fantastic World of D.C. Collins. But it wasn’t until 1985 that Gary Coleman took a stab at an exclusively dramatic role, starring in the dark and moody crime drama Playing with Fire.

Using Fire To Last Out

Playing with Fire features Gary Coleman as David Phillips, a teenager with a penchant for starting fires following the disintegration of his parents’ relationship, leading to their divorce. Due to the turmoil of seeing his home life turn to ashes, David takes an eerie interest in pyromania. From contemplating setting his own dog on fire to setting small fires outside of school, David begins to spiral out of control, using fire as his emotional outlet.

A Troubled Teen Drama

While David’s parents, played by Cicely Tyson and Ron O’Neal, attempt to navigate post-marriage life, they neglect the destructive signs from their troubled son. The more mayhem that David causes, the more that his pyromaniac behavior seems to be ignored and overlooked. Gary Coleman in Playing with Fire is a far cry from his lovable persona in Diff’rent Strokes, and unfortunately for him, Willis isn’t anywhere to be seen.

Source: Internet Archive