A Visual Tour Of The New Flash Trailer’s Most Incredible Scenes
A step by step look at everything in the new Flash trailer.
By GFR | Published

Speed through our full guide to the Flash trailer!
You’ll see some amazing images you probably missed.

Batman Is The Real Star Of This Trailer
And the Batplane, which is everywhere in it, is the second lead.

An Oldie But A Goodie
We saw these batsuits in the first trailer, but it never stops being cool. We’ll try to stick to newer reveals, though, going forward in this slideshow.

Batman Goes Mask Off
And while the lighting makes his hair look weirdly blonde, we’re pretty sure it’s just really grey.

Terrible CGI?
This shot reveals Supergirl in the trailer, and it’s being roundly mocked on the internet for being terrible CGI. Is it really that bad? Let us know here.

Barry And Batman Riding In The Batplane
Or is it the Batwing? I’m never sure which to use.

The Batcycle Never Stops Being Cool
Ok, this is a shot also used in the previous trailer and I know we promised only new shots, but it’s just too cool.

Barry Having A Bad Day
Barry Allen does a lot of screaming in this trailer. This doesn’t look fun. Perhaps he’s jumping dimensions?

What did you do?
Supergirls screams “What did you do?” and it seems clear that Barry messed up in some terrible way.

Supergirl bashing Zod
Zod (from Man of Steel) is the primary villain in this trailer (though probably not the main villain in the movie) and in this scene Supergirl delivers what looks like a death blow, to him, before collapsing.

Batman Blocks Bullets With His Cape
One of the best scenes of the new Flash trailer features Batman using his cape to protect The Flash from bullets.

The Flash Looks Like He's In Inception
The Flash is shown running through a mess that looks like it’s out of the movie Inception, but is probably him running through different dimensions.

Batman Flying Through Fire
What else do you need to know? This is probably the Ben Affleck Batman, not the Michael Keaton one. There have been rumors that George Clooney will also be in the movie as Batman, but he’s not in this trailer.

Barry Allen: Frankenstein's Monster
This could easily be a scene from a Frankenstein movie but I’m pretty sure that’s Barry Allen on the table and not a corpse being re-animated by lightning.

Barry Screaming Again
It’s a very painful movie.

Batman On His Knees
This is Michael Keaton’s Batman, in the midst of that huge battle with Zod. It doesn’t seem to be going his way.

The Batwing Approaching Zod
An amazing shot of Zod coming out of a ball of fire, after just destroying a military vehicle.

Zod Destroying The Batplane
Zod leaped out of that fireball and immediately started beating up the Batplane. We don’t see Batman in the cockpit, he must have ejected or been thrown out by Zod.

Batman Ejects
Yep, Batman ejection is confirmed.

Batman Explains Barry's Parachute To Him
This begins what is without a doubt the best sequence in the entire trailer.

A confused Barry asks: "Where's your parachute?"

Batman Smiles
Batman responds to Barry’s question with a rare smile. One of the greatest smiles of all time. We know the answer. he knows the answer.

He's Batman. He Doesn't Need A Parachute.
Why isn’t this just a Batman movie?
Watch The Full Trailer