First Look At Across The Spider-Verse’s Spider-Punk
The new Spider-Verse movie with involve a Spider-Punk and a first look is here.
This article is more than 2 years old
Fans of the Spider-Verse got a sneak peek at Spider-Punk, one of the variants of Spider-Man that will be appearing in next year’s animated release Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. A picture of an action figure of the character as well as the packaging for the toy was posted by a Reddit user and has been shared widely on social media. The film is the sequel to 2018’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which tells the story of Miles Morales and various interdimensional counterparts, all of whom are some variation of Spider-Man.
Spider-Punk is “a British punk rock Spider-Man with a wicked electric guitar,” reports CBR, and fans are pleased with how much this early look at the merchandise resembles the comic book character he depicts. The character was first featured in 2014 in The Amazing Spider-Man issue #10 after making a cameo in the 2012 animated show Ultimate Spider-Man. His secret identity is Hobart Brown, from the punk rock Earth-138.
The movie will introduce a myriad of new Spider-Man variants, with only three returning from the original movie. Miles will be joined again by Gwen Stacey and Peter B. Parker, also known as Spider-Woman and Spider-Man, but Spider-Punk is one of a new group of heroes that the trio will meet across the Spider-Verse. These will also include Scarlet Spider, the Takuya Yamashiro incarnation of Spider-Man, and Jessica Drew’s Spider-Woman.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse isn’t due out until next year on June 2, 2023, and a third movie, called Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is planned for 2024. The toy posted to Reddit is the first look anyone has had at the concept art and the interpretation of the character in the film. Numerous drops about which characters would be featured in the film have been coming out for months, but only now are we beginning to see what we’ve been hearing about.
What makes the Spider-Verse so interesting to fans is that each universe depicted is drawn in a different animation style that matches the character. In Into the Spider-Verse, Peni Parker and her robotic companion were drawn in a Japanese anime style, while Peter Porker, also known as Spider-Ham, was drawn in the style of a Looney Tunes feature. The visuals for the animated franchise are thus highly anticipated to see what style will be used.
There has also been a lot of buzz about who the villains will be. The Vulture and The Spot will be the opponents of the Spider-team, with the latter being particularly dangerous because his ability involves interdimensional travel. He wears wormholes on his body and can use them to teleport himself or anyone he chooses, hinting that the Spider-Verse might get murky with twists and turns for Miles and his companions.
The picture also shows a stiff price tag of $99.90 for the action figure but appears to be from a foreign market, possibly Hong Kong. This explains why no one in the United States has seen this merchandise yet, as well as the high price. The figure comes with the electric guitar as an accessory, because who would Spider-Punk be without his trusty instrument?