Exclusive: Wyatt Russell In Talks For Escape From New York Sequel

Wyatt Russell is in talks to join the Escape from New York sequel.

By James Brizuela | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

Kurt Russell became one of the most iconic action heroes back in the 1980s, as he portrayed Snake Pliskin in the Escape franchise. That franchise includes Escape from New York and Escape from L.A., both of which were written and directed by John Carpenter. Now, through our trusted and proven sources, we can report that Wyatt Russell is in talks to star alongside his father in the Escape from New York sequel.

Wyatt Russell joining the Escape franchise makes sense, as it appears that the father and son duo have been planning far more projects with one another. Wyatt and Kurt will also be starring alongside one another for the new Godzilla and the Titans series that is set to debut on AppleTV. Both Wyatt and Kurt are fantastic actors, but it is great that they are now starting to work with one another more.

We are not sure what Wyatt Russell’s role would be in the Escape from New York sequel, though we imagine that he could play a younger clone of Snake Plissken. Wyatt bears a striking resemblance to his father, and since the Escape series deals with both action and science fiction. The franchise is based in a dystopian future, so we could see the government wanting to replicate Snake to stop Snake.

kurt russell

While the clone aspect is certainly an overused trope of science fiction, it would still be great to see Wyatt Russell in a full Snake Plissken costume alongside his father for the Escape from New York sequel movie. They could end up fighting one another, then joining together to take on the tyrannical government in the movie.

John Carpenter is going to be involved in this sequel, as he has written and directed both movies previously, though he is only to serve as an executive producer. Escape from New York was released back in 1981, with the Escape from L.A. sequel happening 15 years later in 1996. Now, Wyatt Russell is going to be involved in a sequel practically 30 years later.

The team behind the reboot or sequel is Radio Silence, who have famously rebooted the Scream franchise, which has been a hit. Now, they are tackling one of the best and unsung heroes from the 1980s. There has been no director or writer attached to the movie just yet, but we do know that Wyatt Russell is likely joining his father in the Escape from New York sequel, or quite possibly replacing him.

It would be quite a big misstep if Kurt Russell was involved with Wyatt Russell in the Escape from New York sequel. However, considering that Wyatt looks exactly like his father, we wouldn’t be too upset if Kurt just had a big cameo, leaving the starring role to his son.

Wyatt Russell being added to the Escape from New York sequel is still fantastic news, as he is likely to join the original Snake Plissken in Kurt Russell. Both men have the gravitas to turn this action and science fiction movie into a blockbuster once again.