Exclusive: Taika Waititi Korg Marvel Series In Development
We've got some cool news with the Giant Freakin Robot exclusive that Taika Waititi is developing a Korg series just for Disney+
This article is more than 2 years old

I think it’s safe to assume that, at this point, if a character exists in the Marvel catalog then we will eventually see that character on the big and small screen. To that end, if the character is cool or popular enough then they will get their own standalone movie or series. That being said, there can be some surprises along the way. One of those is clearly Korg who’s stolen every scene he’s been in for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It looks like there will be even more coming. The latest Giant Freakin Robot exclusive from our trusted and proven source has it that Taiki Waititi is developing a Disney+ series just for Korg. Our favorite Kronan is getting a project of his own.
Man is this ever exciting. While we aren’t sure exactly what Taika Waititi has in store for this planned Korg series (besides voicing the character), there are sure to be plenty of laughs. That’s been the upshot of the Korg ever since we met him on the big screen in Thor: Ragnarok. Another of the gladiators who were fighting to “please” the Grandmaster, Korg was a breath of fresh comedic air. Lamenting his failed revolution because he didn’t print enough pamphlets, he and all of his rocky self would go on to have one-liner after one-liner whenever he showed up to help Thor. Here, take a look at a quick mashup of the dude’s scenes. They are more than worth it.
In addition to his on-screen introduction in Thor: Ragnarok, we would catch up with Korg again briefly in Avengers: Endgame. It would seem that after taking down Hela but destroying Asgard, Thor grabbed all of his people, space friends included, and moved them to Earth. Korg was there, drinking beer and playing video games. But in true Korg fashion, his gentle and almost submissive personality was no match for only bullies. Noobmaster69 got an earful from Thor after picking on Korg in Fortnite all because Korg didn’t want to do it himself. It was another great reminder about the juxtaposition between his almost impenetrable exterior and the softness he has inside.
It will be interesting to see where Taika Waititi takes a Korg story for Disney+. We would have to assume Miek would be along for the ride as well considering the two seem rather attached at this point, despite Korg nearly killing the little knife-handed Sakaraan in Ragnarok. And there’s some chance this series is more of an origin story for the character rather than a continuation. That could make things a bit easier on the narrative front and could also set the stage for how Korg ended up in Sakaar. Heck, it also could give us the backstory on Korg’s relationship with his mom and her boyfriend who he admitted he hates.
Before we get to a Korg series on Disney+, Taika Waititi is set to give us more of the character in Thor: Love and Thunder. That movie is due out on July 8th of this year and will reunite a number of different characters from the previous film.