Exclusive: Mad Hatter Is Secretly In Robert Pattinson’s The Batman
The Mad Hatter is lurking about in Robert Pattinson's The Batman.
This article is more than 2 years old

Robert Pattinson will be making his mark as the Caped Crusader in The Batman, and we all know that the Riddler, the Penguin, and Catwoman will all be playing pivotal roles in the movie. All of these villains have shown up in previous feature films before – Batman Returns and Batman Forever – so many fans have been wondering if there would be any other villains that have yet to make the transition to the big screen. Up until now, there has only been speculation about any other possible characters showing up in the movie. But now, Giant Freakin Robot has received some information about another of Batman’s rogues that will be making an appearance in the Matt Reeves film.
According to our trusted inside source – the same one that has provided Giant Freakin Robot with multiple confirmed exclusive scoops that have included Bruce Campbell appearing for a cameo in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Monica Rambeau being a main character in the upcoming Disney+ series Secret Invasion, and Chloe Bennet returning as Quake for a new Marvel series – Robert Pattinson will cross paths with none other than the Mad Hatter in The Batman. Our source could not confirm just how prominent the Mad Hatter would be in the movie but that he will be making an appearance in the film.
This actually lines up with some of the earliest information we have heard about the Robert Pattinson film. The Batman was often described as a big mystery that would see Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Batman making his way through the underworld of Gotham City in order to put together the pieces of a larger mystery. Many fans assumed that would mean we would see quite a number of Batman villains making what would amount to cameos in the movie as Batman had to cross paths with them in order to obtain the information he was seeking.

So if that story is still the gameplan for The Batman, it is very likely that there will be a few characters that will be left as surprises for the Robert Pattinson movie. Leaving a character like the Mad Hatter as a surprise would be great since he has yet to appear in a movie. It will be especially affecting if whoever they have cast in the role is a notable actor. It could be an opportunity to set up the character for a sequel. Even if it’s not, it would still be a legit treat for fans of the Batman rogues gallery.
There definitely seems to be an attempt to make Robert Pattinson’s The Batman a foundation for a much larger exploration of the Batman universe. With all the villains we know about and the possibility of some even deeper revelations in the works, having the Mad Hatter pop up in a small supporting role would help strengthen just how vast this new iteration of the Caped Crusader and his world will be. And maybe there are even more villains yet to be revealed.