Exclusive: Bruce Campbell Is In Doctor Strange 2
Bruce Campbell is entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Update: This Giant Freakin Robot Bruce Campbell in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness exclusive was confirmed. He did appear in the movie.
Bruce Campbell and director Sam Raimi have had a long-standing relationship ever since the two started making movies together when they were young. They have a deep friendship that has worked out pretty well for Campbell since Raimi often finds somewhere to stick him in every one of the director’s movies. He famously had prominent cameos in all of Raimi’s Spider-Man films and fans have been wondering if the legendary chin would be showing up in Raimi’s next blockbuster effort, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Well, have we got some good news for you.
According to our trusted inside source – the same one that provided Giant Freakin Robot with confirmed exclusive scoops regarding Chloe Bennet returning as Quake for a new Marvel series and Don Cheadle appearing as War Machine in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier – Bruce Campbell will be showing up in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Our insider cannot confirm what role the actor will be playing, but can assure us that he will be in the movie in some capacity.
Bruce Campbell himself was quick to announce his interest in playing a role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness after it was revealed that Sam Raimi would be directing the movie. The actor took to Twitter to cheekily suggest that he could be involved in the production:
One has to wonder just how involved Bruce Campbell’s role in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will be. While many fans would love to learn that he will be portraying a pivotal and notable character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is more than likely that his appearance will be a jokey one similar to how he would pop up in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies. In fact, with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness promising to revisit the universe of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies, it could be possible that Campbell will show up as the Ring Announcer, the Snooty Usher, the Maitre d’, or even all three! The sky is the limit with such a wild premise.
But, maybe Bruce Campbell will be appearing as a completely new character. If Sam Raimi is able to establish Campbell as an integral character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it could mean that he would be showing up in other future film and series installments. Some fans have been hoping to see Campbell as the infamous Doctor Strange villain Nightmare, but as of now, there is no confirmation that that is the role Campbell will be playing. Still, it would be very cool for Raimi to help set up his friend as a character that will continue to show up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
With it now confirmed that Bruce Campbell will be showing up in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, we are absolutely thrilled to see just what his role will be in the film. The more we hear about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the more we believe it is going to be a nutty and very important entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.