Exclusive: Bill Nighy In Talks For Pirates 6 Return As Davy Jones
Bill Nighy is in talks to return in Pirates 6. This is especially great news considering the reboot has had its issues with getting off the ground.
This article is more than 2 years old

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is moving forward without Johnny Depp. Since the Margot Robbie-led Pirates reboot was announced, many wondered if any legacy characters would be added to shore up the want and need for this franchise to rebound. Well, now adding a legacy character has happened. Based on word from a trusted and proven source, Giant Freakin Robot can report that Bill Nighy is in talks to return for Pirates 6.
The Pirates of the Caribbean reboot was announced back in 2020. Margot Robbie would be the big star that leads the charge on reviving this dead franchise, with Christina Hodson penning the script. Hodson previously worked with Robbie on Birds of Prey, otherwise known as the Harley Quinn movie. The pair likely got to talking about rebooting Pirates and the idea was spawned. However, there have been plenty of issues surrounding this revival. The pandemic halted things, and the legitimacy of Hodson’s work was questioned, based on her failed monetary gains for films she has worked on (Birds of Prey, Bumblebee). However, adding a high-level talent like Bill Nighy to Pirates 6 will go a long way. Why? Well for starters, the man is one of the most beloved actors in the world. Secondly, he portrayed one of the best characters in the franchise, Davy Jones. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End is arguably the best film in the series.

Davy Jones returning does pose some questions. How is he alive? Well, Bill Nighy returning to Pirates 6 might not be as strange as it sounds. Davy Jones was technically a supernatural being that was meant to courier souls from the land of the living to whatever pirate heaven exits in the film’s world. However, he became corrupt, as villains do. His lust for power led to him becoming a twisted version of his former self. Pirates 6 might turn itself into a prequel of sorts that follows the life of Davy Jones before he became the octopus-faced character we all know and love.
Another question is where does this leave Orlando Bloom and his Will Turner? Jones’s heart was stabbed and he was sent to Davy Jones’s locker (see what they did there), and Turner effectively took over as soul courier. However, with Jones returning, does this mean he has found a way to kill Turner and take his place on The Flying Dutchman? We are all well aware of the fact that unless you see a dead body, that character is not truly dead. The possibility of Bill Nighy in Pirates 6 could mean that Davy Jones may have fallen into the depths of Calypso’s water whirlwind, but his body was not shown after that. He could theoretically still be alive somewhere in the depths of the locker. They also didn’t destroy his heart, only stabbed it. It could still be pumping some sort of black ooze somewhere. Crazier things have happened. If Marvel can kill heroes and bring them back on a whim, so can Pirates. Basically, we are here for Bill Nighy in Pirates 6.