Exclusive: Anne Hathaway In Talks For Major Marvel Role
In the latest Giant Freakin Exclusive from our trusted source, Anne Hathaway is the advanced talks to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe
This article is more than 2 years old

These days, if you are a star actor or actress and Marvel (or DC) isn’t on the horn trying to bring you on board for a new role, then you are probably having some tough talks with your agent. The comic book movie houses are in growth mode, constantly expanding off of the initial, and successful, jaunts into these worlds. And now there is another big name attached to Marvel, someone with some experience in this realm already. The latest Giant Freakin Robot exclusive from our trusted and proven source has it that Anne Hathaway is closing in on a major role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
While details around which (or what) character Anne Hathaway would be playing are a bit fewer and further between, it appears the two sides are getting close on whoever it is. This is major news for the studio that is still in the first third of Phase Four in their universe. There are projects further down the production timeline that Hathaway could definitely be targeting and one would think that someone of her talent and star power would be eyeing a name recognition role of some sort. That latter part is purely speculation and plenty of big names have come on board to take lesser roles out of the comic books. But one would have to assume that Anne Hathaway coming into the mix would mean more than a few different appearances at least.
One possible direction for Anne Hathaway in the (now) MCU would be as Felicia Hardy, a role she had been rumored to be circling all the way back in 2011. That was for the planned Spider-Man 4 movie which still had Tobey Maguire in the lead Peter Parker role. In this movie, Felicia was actually going to be Vulturess, the daughter of Adrian Toomey/ Vulture. We eventually saw Michael Keaton take that role in Spider-Man: Homecoming. But in the comic books, Felicia Hardy is Black Cat. She is an enemy of Spider-Man, though as these things usually go, the two eventually become romantically involved. Could Marvel just be re-upping this idea?
And we already know that Anne Hathaway can occupy a space in the comic book world of movies. While not part of the DC Extended Universe by definition, Hathaway was a big part of The Dark Knight Rises when she played Selina Kyle/ Catwoman. It was a much more subdued version of the character than we had seen before with Hathaway bringing a certain sarcastic, but confident tone to the master thief. The love story ended up getting there between hers and Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne, but she operated in the space without that piece ever really needing to come into the forefront. That was a testament to how well Hathaway played the character.
No matter which direction they go, this is exciting news regarding Anne Hathaway and Marvel. There are still a number of major productions for the latter half of Phase Four which we are waiting on casting confirmations. Some of those include Fantastic Four, Secret Invasion. And as we know, Marvel is nothing if not forward-thinking. There’s a chance she is playing someone who will feature prominently in Phase Five.