Emily Blunt Still In Talks To Play A Marvel Superhero
Emily Blunt could still be joining Marvel.
This article is more than 2 years old

Emily Blunt has long been fans’ pick for the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Invisible Woman/Sue Storm in its upcoming Fantastic 4 threemake (well, fourmake, if you count Roger Corman’s unreleased Fantastic Four flick). But when reports surfaced that Blunt herself, uh, bluntly (sorry) turned down the role, hopes for a John Krasinski/Emily Blunt onscreen team-up as Reed Richards and Sue Storm were dashed. Now, though, we’ve caught wind of a rumor that directly contradicts those initial reports.
Geekosity brings word that Marvel Studios has not given up on casting Emily Blunt as its Invisible Woman. While this is just a rumor at this point, it is definitely worth discussing. Blunt originally passed on the role due to its daunting time commitment. The size of the Invisible Woman’s role likely hasn’t changed, but maybe Marvel offered her an irresistible salary?
In addition to his Emily Blunt scoop, Geekosity founder/editor Mikey Sutton also mentioned that Kevin Feige and his creative team will be announcing the Fantastic 4 cast later this year. This would be great, but don’t count on it happening until the end of the year. Marvel Studios has so many exciting new projects on its release schedule, so the focus will undoubtedly be on making sure those films and shows are at least modest successes. It’s Marvel, so they will be.

When Marvel Studios officially announced that it was producing a Fantastic 4 movie for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans were ecstatic. Immediately, hopes that Emily Blunt would indeed be playing Sue Storm reached a feverish new high.
If Emily Blunt is cast as Sue Storm/the Invisible Woman, she will be the fourth actress to play her in live-action. The first, Rebecca Staab, portrayed her in Roger Corman’s unreleased Fantastic 4 from the early 1990s. Jessica Alba took over the role in Tim Story’s ill-fated Fantastic 4 films from the mid-2000s before handing the role to Kate Mara. Mara’s tenure as the character was even more short-lived, and the fate of Marvel’s First Family was suddenly shrouded in uncertainty. As a huge Fantastic 4 fan, I’ve been holding my breath since Josh Trank’s version hit theaters back in 2015. Hopefully, Kevin Feige and his creative team deliver on the inherent promise of a Fantastic 4 announcement.
It would be interesting to see Emily Blunt star alongside John Krasinski (who also has yet to be confirmed for the Reed Richards part) in a Marvel Cinematic Universe-set Fantastic 4. We’ve seen glimpses of how well the real-life couple works together on big movies, so we know that they would at least lend their obvious chemistry to their respective roles.

Other rumors joining these Emily Blunt whispers include word that Vincent D’Onofrio will reportedly be returning as Kingpin in some capacity, as well as ever-persistent rumors that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield are reprising their roles as former Spider-Men in the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home.
We do not know anything more than what we have outlined above, but if Geekosity’s word is good, then we will get confirmation one way or the other very soon.