Donald Glover Wants A Redo Of Troy From Community

By Erika Hanson | Published


Donald Glover recently made comments to The Wall Street Journal about his time on Community that almost sent fans of the sitcom everywhere in search of one of the dean’s dress-up outfits for some pearl-clutching gasps. The multi-talented actor was asked what role he would like to redo, given the chance, and Glover answered with Troy from Community. Luckily, he quickly added, “Not cause I would change anything…it was just fun to do.”

Wouldn’t Change Troy One Bit

community movie

We’re thankful that Donald Glover still treasures his time as Troy on Community above all other roles, but we’re even more relieved that he wouldn’t change a thing about the character. While every member of the Greendale Seven, as they’re often referred to, had their own special attributes that made the group dynamic so entertaining for six seasons, the man also known as Childish Gambino was always a fan-favorite, and we can’t imagine the star playing Troy any differently.

Troy Was The Heart Of The Group

Troy joined the study group at Greendale Community College as a recent high school graduate jock. His dimwitted nature and his extraordinary friendship with Abed made Donald Glover’s Community character the linchpin of the group. Many fans even blame Glover’s exit from the show in Season 5 as the sitcom’s downfall.

Glover’s Exit Called The Death Of The Show

Donald Glover decided to end his time on Community after Season 4. The series had faced plenty of behind-the-scenes turmoil, and the actor was ready to move on. Luckily, series creator Dan Harmon was able to convince Glover to remain in the role for part of Season 5.

And it seems even Harmon felt that Donald Glover’s role on Community was perfect and that his departure catapulted the series’ demise. Harmon told The Hollywood Reporter in 2017, “I needed to convince myself that Donald leaving wasn’t the death of the show, but now that it’s all over, I think we can agree that it was.”

Reached New Heights After Community

donald glover

Indeed, Donald Glover went on to excel in his Hollywood career after leaving Community. Glover created and starred in the FX series Atlanta soon after. He continued acting in movies as well, with lead roles in The Lion King (2019) and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

All of this while pumping out albums and hit songs like “This is America” under his Childish Gambino moniker.

While his first Star Wars film didn’t go over so well, his portrayal of Lando Calrissian did. So much so that he’ll be receiving a Lando redo when the Lando movie, which Glover is developing for Disney, releases.

Glover Gets His Troy Redo In The Community Movie

And thankfully, the 40-year-old celebrity is going to be able to give Troy his redo. Donald Glover will return to Greendale in the Community movie, which hopefully starts filming in 2025. The actor spoke of the upcoming film in his recent interview, saying that, above all, he’s excited to return to Community and work with the cast once again.

Donald Glover described his time filming the sitcom as “fun,” comparing it to what it’s like to actually attend college and get to goof off with buddies.

Donald Glover said that he and his Community co-stars would dance “like no one was watching” filming scenes of the show, but we know one thing that’s for sure: everyone is going to be watching Glover and co. when the Greendale Seven make their big screen debut.

Source: The Wall Street Journal