Deadpool & Wolverine Proves One Star Needs A Marvel Movie ASAP

If you’ve seen Deadpool & Wolverine, then you know that out of all the guest stars and cameo, one stood above the rest. I’m referring, of course, to Channing Tatum’s Gambit. Tatum’s turn as the Ragin’ Cajun marked a dream come true for not only the actor but also the fans. We finally got live-action Gambit!
The Only Gambit We Want To See

Sorry, I meant to type “Good” live-action Gambit. No offense to Taylor Kitsch, but everything about X-Men Origins: Wolverine is so bad I keep forgetting my favorite X-Man is even in it. Hopefully, his performance in Deadpool 3 will lead to Channing Tatum becoming the MCU’s de facto Gambit, so I won’t have to give Origins another thought.
Now the only question is, will Marvel be smart and fast-track a Gambit solo film starring Tatum, or will they once again fumble what should be an easy layup? My sports analogy kind of sucks because I’m not much of a sports fan, but you get the idea. I am, however, an X-Men fan, and I can tell you right now that Channing Tatum is the only Gambit I want to see from now on.
Tatum Has Been Waiting For This Moment

Channing Tatum’s passion for Gambit rivals Ryan Reynolds’s love of Deadpool. The poor guy has been trying to play Remy LeBeau since X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). Now, 20 years later, he finally gets the chance in what could have ended up being a joke cameo, if he wasn’t so damn good in the role!
I’m going to be honest: years ago, when I first heard that Channing Tatum wanted to play Gambit, I was skeptical. I love Tatum, but just because someone is passionate about a role doesn’t mean they’re a good fit for it. Try as I might, I could never see Magic Mike as the playboy thief from Louisiana.
Then I saw Deadpool & Wolverine.
Tatum Effortlessly Nailed The Role

From the second he showed up in a comic book-accurate Gambit costume, I knew he was born to play the character. Then he opened his mouth, and I was doubly convinced. Look, I’m no expert on what makes an authentic Cajun accent, but I do know when an actor is struggling to master a new accent.
To my amateur ears, everything coming out of Tatum’s mouth sounded as smooth as butter.
Channing Tatum was even playing Gambit at a disadvantage. There was no Rogue for him to play off of, no thieves or assassins guild, and no other X-Men around except for Wolverine, and he had no idea who Gambit was. Tatum had the words he was giving and his own abilities to craft a complete character with only a handful of scenes, and he nailed it.
We Need A Gambit Solo Film

The other secret guest stars were great too, but for them Deadpool & Wolverine was the closure their respective characters were never given due to the Fox/Disney merger. For Channing Tatum’s Gambit, Deadpool & Wolverine was just the beginning … hopefully.
I know that Marvel usually has its stuff mapped out years in advance and a solo Gambit movie might not fit into their greater plans. On the other hand, Kevin Feige must see what an overwhelmingly positive reaction Tatum’s Gambit is getting.
Was This Reynolds’ Plan All Along?

In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if that was Ryan Reynolds‘ sneaky plan all along. It’s been all but confirmed now that Reynolds is the one who leaked the test footage that led to the first Deadpool movie getting made. It’s not a stretch to say that he might have put Channing Tatum in Deadpool 3 as Gambit solely to force Marvel to make a Gambit movie.
If that does end up being the case, then I just gained a newfound respect for Reynolds. Now, Marvel just has to take the bait…