Dark Controversial Sci-Fi Horror On Max Explores The Dark Side Of Science

By Chris Snellgrove | Updated

Science fiction and horror are two great genres on their own, but we love a good crossover. Unfortunately, outside of just watching Event Horizon for the millionth time, it can be difficult to find a sci-fi horror film with great performances, cast, and effects. If you’ve been waiting, the wait is now over: the controversial horror film Splice is now streaming on Max and is more than worth your time to watch.

Mad Scientists In Love

Splice 2009

Just what is Splice about? Without giving away any major surprises (this is one worth watching without being spoiled ahead of time), this movie follows the story of a couple who love mad science almost as much as they love one another. The name of the film comes from the couple splicing animal and human DNA together, creating a hybrid that could transform the world of science forever…assuming that its creators aren’t killed (or worse) by their creation before that happens.

One of the reasons we love Splice is that it has a small cast filled with wonderfully outsized performances. Leading the pack is Adrien Brody, who plays the male half of the scientist couple playing God throughout the film. Sarah Polley plays his wife and fellow super-scientist, and the exotic Delphine Chanéac helps to bring the couple’s controversial creation to life.

The Production Behind The Monster

Splice 2009

In addition to the talented cast, Splice has plenty of talent behind the camera, too. The movie is directed by Vincenzo Natali, a veteran filmmaker who will always have our respect for directing the mind-blowing 1997 movie Cube. Splice also has some big-name executive producers, including Don Murphy and Joel Silver. Considering what an unconventional creature feature this film is, the most important executive producer is Guillermo del Toro, the talented filmmaker behind such monster-centric films as Pan’s Labyrinth and Pacific Rim.

Box Office Bomb Turned Cult Hit

Splice 2009

Previously, director Vincenzo Natali didn’t rule out the possibility of Splice getting a sequel, but he pointed out how the film’s low box office likely precludes that as a possibility. He’s referring to the fact that the film had a $30 million budget and only earned $27.1 million in theaters. The movie has now become a cult hit with fans all over the world, but with the first movie a box office bomb, it’s unlikely that Warner Bros. would green-light a sequel.

Praised By Critics Despite Poor Returns

Splice 2009

That’s unfortunate because Splice proved to be a major hit among critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film currently has a critical score of 75 percent, making it certified fresh (which is a real rarity when it comes to outlandish sci-fi horror). In general, critics praised the movie for its interesting premise, great acting, and unique place in the horror genre.

Splice Streaming On Max

Splice 2009

Of course, if you like this genre, then you know that you can only trust the critics about as far as your weird genetic hybrid can throw them. If you want to make up your own mind, all you have to do is stream Splice on Max today. Trust us: one way or another, this is one bizarre movie you’ll never forget.