Cursed Season 2: Spinoff Series Also Planned
With a very successful season one in the books, what does the series have in store for its fans in Cursed season 2? Here's what we know so far.
This article is more than 2 years old

How do you take a story everyone knows, one that includes Merlin, King Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere and give a fresh coat of paint? Something fans of the Arthurian legend have not it seen before. Leave it up to Frank Miller (Sin City, The Dark Knight Returns) to find that bucket of paint and use broad strokes to bring new life to the legend. He did it so well that Cursed season 2 is likely on the way.
Yes, Cursed is what Frank Miller came up with, first as an illustrated novel (written by screenwriter Tom Wheeler) and then as a Netflix series that tells the tale from the eyes of Nimue, who is the young heroine bringing with her a mysterious gift.
With a very successful season one in the books, what does the series have in store for its fans in Cursed season 2? Here’s what we know so far.

For those of you who may not be as familiar with the names of King Arthur, Lancelot, Merlin and Guinevere, and more importantly Nimue, the legend revolves around King Arthur and his ability to wield Excalibur, the famous sword that is said to have magical powers.
If Nimue is unfamiliar, don’t be ashamed. Many may not know the name. But perhaps you know her by her other title, Lady of the Lake. According to the legend, it is she who gives Arthur the famous sword.
In Miller’s version, as in the Netflix series Cursed, Nimue arrives as a teen. She pairs up with a young Arthur, who is not yet King, and they begin a quest to find the wizard Merlin so Nimue can deliver to him the sword. They encounter many obstacles along the way from Red Paladins and King Uther to the familiar names that make the legend what it is. Katherine Langford of 13 Reasons Why stars as Nimue, with Devon Terrell as Arthur and Gustaf Skarsgård as Merlin.

It didn’t take long for Cursed to find its “Excalibur”. Pretty much from the moment the series dropped on Netflix, it shot straight to the top in terms of scripted fare. Netflix is now calling the new series its highest-ranked scripted TV series. With all that has come before it, that is definitely a boon for the series.
With that lofty praise and viewers who can’t seem to get enough, Cursed season 2 is a no brainer. You can find our review here, spoilers may be included so read wisely.

Series star Katherine Langford was recently asked what genre Cursed fits into, as it has been compared to The Witcher and Game of Thrones. While the series may fall into the medieval fantasy category, Langford isn’t quite sure, as she told Digital Spy. “I get asked quite a lot by fans and people who love this genre, ‘What it’s like?’ – I’m still trying to figure out,” she said.
“For me, Cursed is really interesting because it’s not quite one or the other. It’s a mixture of its own elements and it stands by itself in that sense. I definitely think it’s a fantastical and historical piece, which is full of action and is a full-on thriller. But it also has quite a grounded quality to it. It’s got heavy ties to the Earth and nature, but then on the other side of the spectrum, it has this real essence of magic.”
Perhaps Cursed is creating its own sub-genre of medieval fantasy.

So, what can we say about an upcoming Cursed season 2? First off, nothing is official. Netflix has yet to officially greenlight a season 2, but given the popularity of the show, it would almost be criminal not to bring it back. As legends go, there is much more story to tell.
If Cursed season 2 does happen, don’t look for it to hit Netflix until 2021. 2020 is moving way too fast and many productions are still in the wait and see period.

Without a doubt, the main four will be back for Cursed season 2. That includes Devon Terrell as Arthur, Gustav Skarsgård as Merlin, Daniel Sharman as Weeping Monk/Lancelot, and Billy Jenkins as Squirrel/Percival. So why aren’t we mentioning Katherine Langford?
SPOILER ALERT Maybe you should watch the grisly ending to season one. Does she survive to make it into Cursed season 2? Well, the series does have its magic, so chances are good.
The final episode revealed much. It ended characters and introduced characters by the names we most know them by. It seems the Round Table is being set, so a season 2 could be exciting, not only to see where Nimue ends up but how that Round Table is born.

Word is that in addition to Cursed season 2 there could be a Cursed spinoff. Merlin, as portrayed by Gustav Skarsgård, looks to be the focus of the spinoff series according to WGTC. His turn as the mighty magician has only turned heads, for the good.
Rumor has it that the spin-off will be centered around Merlin and his adventures as a warrior as he had a companion in Excalibur. While Cursed briefly touched on the fact that Excalibur drove Merlin mad with power, forcing him to turn his back on his people and leaving his magic behind, it didn’t nearly go into what could be a very interesting story to tell. So why not spin-off a very popular character that many have interest in? Fans of the character can only hope that Netflix will find the power to bring more of Merlin’s magic to the streaming service.