Comic Book Assassin Action Comedy Is Back On Top Of Netflix

It’s always interesting to see something from more than a decade ago trend on Netflix and make its way onto the Top 10 movies list. Such movies often remind us of other equally good releases or entire franchises that are brilliant but are now overshadowed by Disney’s content churn. One of those movies that recently made #8 on Netflix’s Top 10 movies is 2010’s RED, a 2010 cinematic adaptation of the same-name comic book from DC Comics, and one, quite honestly, one of the best franchises Bruce Willis was ever involved with.
Based On DC Comics Limited Series

RED, which is currently trending on Netflix, follows the story of a former CIA black ops agent, Frank Moses (Bruce Willis), who now lives a quiet life in the suburbs, tries to grow his avocados, and frequently tears up his pension checks. He does that so that he can talk to the call center employee Sarah, with whom he has fallen in love, over the phone. However, one day, his peaceful retirement life is interrupted when a hit squad attacks Frank at his home, but he manages to single-handedly kill the entire squad before traveling to Missouri to rescue Sarah (Mary-Louise Parker).
An Unlikely Partnership

Of course, hilarity ensues because Sarah doesn’t really expect Frank; the CIA hires additional agents (some of which are also retired) to kill him, and Frank resorts to contacting some of his old friends to “get the band together” and clear his name. RED is an excellent movie starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, the legendary John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker, Karl Urban of The Boys, and the classy and ever-beautiful actress Helen Mirren, so we’re not really surprised that it found its way to Netflix’s Top 10 list.
Reception And Sequel

The movie performed admirably with both the critics and the audiences, and while many agreed that it wasn’t a killer thrill ride one would expect from a flick with a cast of this caliber, it definitely outshined most big-budget action films of 2010 with its wit and style. RED was also a reasonable financial success, having earned $200 million against its $60 million budget (or $288 million against $86 million when adjusted for inflation). Fortunately, that was enough to warrant a sequel; RED 2 was released in 2013, and it, too, is also available on Netflix.
RED 2 Doesn’t Pack The Same Punch, But Still A Solid Entry

RED 2 isn’t as great as the original movie, but it’s still a rather entertaining pastime. It wasn’t as successful with the critics or at the box office, but the audiences liked it nonetheless, primarily thanks to its star-studded cast.
Regardless, RED is still considered one of Bruce Willis‘ highest-rated action movies of his career, right after Die Hard and the Unbreakable trilogy (with Split still available on Netflix). Interestingly enough, RED 3 was actually announced as in development at one point. RED 3 didn’t come to fruition given the age of its cast members, and it probably never will.
Stream Red On Netflix

For those interested in watching RED, the retired and extremely dangerous geriatric group of former spies led by Bruce Willis is still available for streaming on Netflix—if you’re looking for an action movie with a hint of comedy, RED won’t disappoint.