Chucky Is Coming Back To The Big Screen

Everyone’s favorite killer doll will be making yet another appearance on the big screen, according to its creator, Don Mancini. Chucky, the ginger-haired evil toy from the Child’s Play films has a new film in the early stages of development, Mancini stated during a recent episode of the Scream Dreams Podcast.
Though little is known about what direction the film will take, the fans of the film series might soon have yet another look at malevolence that stands at two feet, four inches.
Chucky Storyline Intact

Mancini revealed his intentions of keeping the Chucky storyline intact, which studios have been true to over the course of 36 years and six sequels. The original film, Child’s Play, debuted on theater screens in 1988. Cult of Chucky (2017) was the last sequel in the franchise to date.
Chucky was the main attraction in the 2019 remake of Child’s Play. This film was a complete reimagining of the original film, with Chucky being a doll controlled by AI rather than by the evil spirit of a killer.
Though the movie featured popular stars Aubrey Plaza, Brian Tyree Henry, and Mark Hamill, it was released to mixed reviews among critics and fans.
Chucky Series

In 2021, Mancini helped to develop the evil doll from the films into a series. Chucky has run for two full seasons to date, airing on both the Syfy and USA networks. Just like the films in the franchise, the series follows the same storyline that began with the original film. The third season of Chucky began airing in March 2024.
Sending Chucky To Space?

With Mancini’s revelations about a new Chucky film being developed, the internet is abuzz about what might happen next in the Chuckyverse.
While the creator was mum about his vision of Chucky for the future, fans recall a time earlier in 2024 when he quipped (hopefully jokingly) that if enough fans wanted him to, that he’d send Chucky into space.
Expanding The Chuckyverse

Fans are hopeful that the players from the current series will make the leap to the new film.
After all, Chucky just wouldn’t be the same without the voice of Brad Dourif. And it’s arguable that Tiffany (played brilliantly by Jennifer Tilly) is a scene stealer that a new film couldn’t do without.
Child’s Play 3 The Best?

Though Child’s Play as a franchise has a definite cult following, not every entry has been a cinematic masterpiece among fans.
The third film, Child’s Play 3 (1991), is widely regarded as the worst of the bunch, garnering a dismal 19% score on Rotten Tomatoes. Seed of Chucky (2004) and Child’s Play 2 (1990) fare a bit better at 34% and 40% respectively.
Eager For More Chucky

After the 2019 reboot bombed at the box office ($10 million in box office receipts against a $45 million budget), fans were still eager for more of Chucky.
The ratings for the Chucky series have been stellar and have helped to make it the Child’s Play entry that has received the most positive attention from critics and fans. To date, the show has commanded an overall 89% rating.
Sources: Fangoria