Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Calendar Made A Fandom Mistake, See The Pic

A Buffy the Vampire Slayer calendar has made a hilarious major mistake in who they decided to include for the month of January.

By James Brizuela | Updated

buffy the vampire slayer reboot

A fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was treated to quite a hilarious surprise. The said fan posted a pic on Twitter of a recently purchased calendar and was shocked at the great detail that was given to the number of characters that have appeared on the calendar’s January month. Apparently, whoever decided to make this calendar also decided to either pull a great prank or quite simply had no idea they replaced Seth Green (Oz) with Matt Smith (The 11th Doctor). Now, the manufacturer of this piece of Buffy memorabilia could have just been a massive fan of Doctor Who and wanted a crossover of epic proportions. Multiverse anyone?

Alex McLevy on Twitter is the fan that received the hilarious mixup, showing a majority of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters on their brand new calendar, only to be shocked at the revelation of seeing The 11th Doctor. This isn’t exactly the worst thing to happen, as the doctors in Doctor Who can time travel, so maybe he just took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

Of course, fans began to take this wonderful mixup and start to run away with the jokes. Of course, this man is in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he is Tim Lord! If this joke doesn’t land for any of you, go look up Doctor Who jokes. You won’t be disappointed.

This Twitter user has an excellent point about the random sort of demon creature that had just been plastered in the background of the rest of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters. This demon hasn’t ever appeared in the series or against The 11th Doctor. Sometimes adding a macabre character in the background of a show that deals with vampires and angels isn’t the best idea.

However, upon further investigation of the matter, this now sounds to be every bit of whoever made that calendar being accused of stealing someone else’s art. An artist by the name of Andy Lambert claims that this pic was made by him when Matt Smith was still in the heart of Doctor Who. He made this as a tribute to the doctor and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Apparently, his art has just been stolen out from under him.

Fans have not been replying to Andy Lambert and asking for further art that is involved with his crossovers. Buffy the Vampire Slayer might not be the only crossover in which The 11th Doctor shows up. Or rather, maybe there are more Buffy crossovers that can start to be released.

This mixup might sound like it could be a case of art appropriation shenanigans against the original artist who created it. Either way, maybe the Tweet about Doctor Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer going viral might lead to both series thinking about connecting in some manner. That is highly unlikely but the fact that this happened is likely to put fans of both camps into a tizzy about the potential for this crossover, or a possible chance to see a Buffy revival at some point in the near future.