Bruce Willis Health Gets Positive News For Once

By Chris Snellgrove | Published

For fans of action star Bruce Willis, most of the recent news about his declining health has been downright heartbreaking. That’s why we were so heartened to recently get a positive update about the beloved actor’s health from his ex-wife, Demi Moore. When Drew Barrymore asked how the Die Hard star was doing, Moore replied, “Given the givens, he’s in a stable place.”

Bruce Willis Has Dementia

red bruce willis

Given that Bruce Willis has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, his health has been an ongoing source of both speculation and concern. As with other kinds of dementia, there is room for this diagnosis to only worsen his mental faculties over time. While Demi Moore’s health update was very qualified, it is very relieving to hear that Willis is feeling stable.

The context for this update on Bruce Willis is that Demi Moore appeared on The Drew Barrymore Show and the host began asking for health updates. An enthusiastic Barrymore mentioned working with Willis on Charlie’s Angels and how “I used to know him when he was a bartender at Cafe Central!” Noting that she has “known him my whole life,” Barrymore asked how the veteran actor is doing.

Demi Moore Gives Update

demi moore

After giving a brief update about Bruce Willis being stable, Moore mentioned how she and her three daughters with the actor (Rumer, Tallulah, and Scout) have been navigating his health difficulties as a family. Moore’s advice to the children about dealing with Willis and anyone with such dementia is that “you meet them where they’re at.”

What that means in practice is that “you don’t hold on to who they were or what you want them to be, but who they are in this moment.”

Connecting With Bruce Willis

acts of violence

Her advice about how to interact with Bruce Willis will sound very familiar to anyone who has helped a loved one suffering from similar health issues. Constantly comparing their current condition to how they are now isn’t very productive…it will just make you sad and effectively wastes everyone’s time.

Conversely, it’s very rewarding learning to take every interaction on its own terms because, as Moore says, you can then appreciate “such beauty and joy and loving and sweetness.”

Treasuring The Time

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When it comes to appreciating her time with Bruce Willis despite his health issues, Moore tries to be a model for her daughters.

She says that she visits her ex-husband whenever she’s in Los Angeles. During those times, Moore reveals that “I go over every week and I really treasure the time that we all share.”

Stopped Acting In 2022

Sadly, one of the reasons the family knows the importance of enjoying every moment with Bruce Willis is that they have watched his health deteriorate in fairly short order. The star stepped back from acting in 2022 due to being diagnosed with aphasia, a condition that could hinder his ability to communicate.

In 2023, that condition had worsened into frontotemporal dementia, which can affect communication, mobility, emotional expression, and more.

A Stable Place

bruce willis detective knight

Bruce Willis has had a lasting effect on Hollywood that no amount of health problems can ever take away: for example, Die Hard continues to be homaged in even relatively obscure films like Game Over Man.

We are heartened to hear that the actor is in a stable place now, and we wish him and his family only the best. As for those just now learning about his diagnosis, we’re going to have to channel our inner John McClane to give you a very special message: “welcome to the party, pal.”

Source: Entertainment Weekly