Bruce Willis’ Breakthrough Role Being Rebooted?
The creator of Bruce Willis' breakout show Moonlight has Tweeted something is about to happen with the IP.
This article is more than 2 years old
Most Bruce Willis fans know him for his action roles. Although the Die Hard series may be his most memorable, his breakout role came before all of those films. Moonlighting put the legendary actor on the map, and now, Deadline reports the creator is hinting at a possible reboot.
The show offered a sexy premise: A former model paired up with a sarcastic detective to work as a private eye duo. It was so successful that it eventually won six Primetime Emmy Awards.

Glenn Gordon Caron created Moonlighting. In essence, he gave audiences Bruce Willis. In order to share those known talents, Caron Tweeted the above message about a plan worked out with Disney, yesterday.
Caron also added in his tweet, “Big announcement Wednesday!!!” This was hashtagged with references to Moonlighting, Bruce Willis, Cybil Shepherd, and other actors related to the show. But just what kind of deal is being worked out is unclear.
Will Bruce Willis’ breakout role finally find a streaming home for fans to rewatch? Or is a reboot coming in the near future? Loyal fans are hoping for the former.
With a constant flood of familiar content being redone, added onto, or even rebranded, those who enjoy Bruce Willis’ character and energy might be much happier revisiting the old series instead of seeing some new actor pretending to have the same charisma, yet never fully living up to that original zest.
Of course, there are always younger audiences who know nothing of the show that may not care whether Bruce Willis is the main character or not, and so appealing to newer audiences may be the current aim. A Moonlighting reboot could draw a new generation to a previously established and successful premise, and that’s become so common that the risks are low. It’s all speculation until tomorrow’s big reveal.
Whether finally agreeing to streaming rights, or developing a reboot, Moonlighting was a major hit in its heyday. The popular 1980s TV show spanned five seasons and made Bruce Willis a household name. His co-star, Cybil Shepherd went on to gain further success as well, and eventually, the two became too big for the show.
So far, Disney has denied reboot claims, but that is not always reliable. Rumors of rebooting Bruce Willis’ breakout role have been spreading for years, so there is plenty of interest. Whether this indicates that streaming rights to Moonlighting are a more likely prospect will not be confirmed until whatever plan has been hatched out is set.
Fans will just have to wait and see what is in store. Either the classic Bruce Willis show will finally be making its way into homes via streaming services, or a reboot is going to test the limits and boundaries of new audiences while facing the challenges of attempting to appease loyal fans. Either way Moonlighting is expected to shine once again and that’s something that can easily spice up viewing options.