Brad Pitt Under Attack From PETA With Cease And Desist Order

By Christopher Isaac | Published

Brad Pitt had already been in the news for pretty tumultuous reasons in the last few years thanks to his ugly separation from Angelina Jolie. But now he is finding himself the source of ire from a more unlikely candidate due to his clothing company, God’s True Cashmere. Brad Pitt continuing to sell genuine cashmere has angered PETA, who sent the actor a cease-and-desist letter regarding his companies claims that the cashmere is “lovingly crafted for [goats’] well-being.”

God’s True Cashmere

While God’s True Cashmere has dialed down the usage of such statements to the extent that PETA is calling it a victory, the animal rights group is making it clear they are not done with the company yet.

They are declaring that they want Brad Pitt’s company to move away from selling cashmere altogether, and that PETA will continue to champion their fight against him until he does.

PETA’s objection lies in the fact that they say sourcing genuine cashmere leaves no way to ethically do so from an animal. They state that their investigators in Asia found that cashmere was obtained from goats there by pinning the animals down while they screamed and forcibly tearing out their hair, leaving some of the animals bleeding.

Brad Pitt has not made any response to PETA’s objections, but the animal rights group wants to raise awareness about how consumers are actually obtaining their cashmere clothing.


PETA’s solution to the problem is for people to give up genuine cashmere altogether and instead switch to varieties of cashmere that are animal friendly. However, for many consumers, the genuine nature of cashmere is no doubt part of its appeal.

Many buyers would surely say there is a difference in the comfort and softness between authentic cashmere and an imitation. Brad Pitt has shown no indication of being willing to acquiesce to PETA’s demands to that extent.

The Whole Brand

brad pitt

On the God’s True Cashmere site, the genuine cashmere shirts available sell for thousands of dollars. It would very likely impact Brad Pitt’s business financially to shift away from genuine cashmere as PETA demands. The fact that the company sells 100 percent true cashmere is essentially what defines the entire brand of God’s True Cashmere.

PETA Doesn’t Go Away Quietly

The debate about the ethics of wearing clothing derived from animals has been raging for decades now. PETA is known for being so ardent in their beliefs that they will escalate their protests to throwing paint on celebrities wearing genuine fur coats, and sharing controversial advertisements simulating humans undergoing the treatment that animals do.

Brad Pitt could face a very long battle with PETA if he stands by his position.

Brad Pitt’s Many Controversies

Brad Pitt’s dispute with PETA is not even his only business conflict he has going on. He and Angelina Jolie also shared a winery together while they were married that has fallen under contention following their divorce.

Pitt alleges Jolie sold part of it without his permission despite them having an agreement that she needed to obtain his approval first. Jolie alleges Pitt misappropriated funds from the winery into his personal projects, thus making him the one who violated the agreement.

Source: PETA