The Book Of Boba Fett Season 2

The Book of Boba Fett Season 2
  • Franchise: Star Wars
  • Original Release Date: December 29, 2021
  • Streaming On: Disney+

Boba Fett

Temuera Morrison

The Mandalorian

Pedro Pascal

Fennec Shand

Ming-Na Wen

Ahsoka Tano

Rosario Dawson


Although most things that are Star Wars-related are usually cash cows for Disney, it seems as if the Book of Boba Fett Season 2 might not be one of those cows to be further milked.

There is certainly enough going on to warrant an additional season, especially with how the wild season finale turned out, but this tactic could have been employed by Disney as a way to get even more eyes on The Mandalorian, their true cash cow.

The Book of Boba Fett Might Have Been A Limited Series

The book of boba fett

One of the biggest reasons that a Book of Boba Fett Season 2 wouldn’t happen rests in the title of the show. If this show was meant to be a book in the long-standing saga of Star Wars mythos, then a book wouldn’t be all that long in comparison to the time in which these storylines have existed.

We’re talking hundreds of years here. I understand reading that statement might be confusing, but a book could just boil down to a chapter when measured in the timeframe of years passed. Disney didn’t come out and name it Chapter One of Boba Fett because it doesn’t sound as good, so they went with a book instead.

Spoilers ahead! Stop reading at this point if you have miraculously avoided spoilers up until this point.

For anyone that has seen the show, you know that The Mandalorian played a massive part in the show, in fact, it might have been too much. Towards the end of the season, it seemed as if Boba Fett was playing second fiddle to The Mandalorian in his own show.

Even though bringing back Mando, Luke, and Grogu was complete fan service, it also hurt the potentiality of a Book of Boba Fett Season 2. Boba Fett was meant to shine in his own show, which he did briefly, then he became an afterthought to the characters that truly matter.

No Mention Of Boba Fett Season 2 In Latest Star Wars Universe Update

When Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy appeared at London’s Star Wars Celebration in 2023, she dropped a lot of Star Wars knowledge onto fans. She updated them on all things concerning Rian Johnson and his potential new Star Wars trilogy, spoke about Taika Waititi’s solo Star Wars project, gave fans a bit to chew on as it pertains to a possible second season of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and she went all in with Daisy Ridley and her future as Rey in the Star Wars Universe. The one thing she did not talk about, sadly, was The Book of Boba Fett Season 2.

How telling this is, is yet to be determined. Those in charge are famous for trying to throw us off by not mentioning a project or downplaying its role in a specific franchise, only to surprise us down the road. So, was Kennedy being purposely coy with her lack of Boba Fett talk or has a second season been officially scrapped? Hopefully, we will find out soon.

Boba Fett Returned In The Mandalorian

(SPOILERS AHEAD) For those of you who are not up on the third season of The Mandalorian, may want to skip ahead, as we are going to drop a little bit of Season 3, Chapter 20 knowledge on you.

In this episode, we are treated to a flashback where Grogu is being rescued from the Jedi Temple. In this scene, which includes a number of clone troopers, revealed during the end credits is that Temura Morrison was the one who played all of the troopers.

Okay, so he didn’t show up as Boba Fett, but his appearance, or the simple fact that they are still using Morrison, should bode well for fans of Boba Fett. Even with the ongoing Writer’s Guild strike, news concerning a second season is promising. Let us explain.

Writer’s Guild Strike Could Have Negatively Impacted Book Of Boba Fett Season 2

The impending and eventual Writer’s Guild strike hit Hollywood, leading movie and TV productions to move a bit faster than they normally would beforehand. This meant that The Mandalorian got a jumpstart on season 4, but it also led some to believe that more was going on behind the scenes of The Book of Boba Fett as well.

According to, along with The Mandalorian shooting season 4, crew members were also at work doing some refurbishing on Boba Fett elements including his armor and the cockpit of Fett’s Slave 1 spaceship.

This has led to rumors making their rounds that a season 2 is already in the works and both productions are moving forward at the same time.

It could be that Boba Fett will be making an appearance in season 4 of The Mandalorian. It could also mean that the crew is preparing, just in case Kennedy gives it the go-ahead.

The Book Of Boba Fett Season Finale Was Viewed More Than The Mandalorian

book of boba fett season 2

Based on metrics, the Book of Boba Fett season finale was viewed 36% higher than The Mandolorian finale. Everyone is making a big deal about this increase, but think about who was in the finale. From Boba riding a rancor, Grogu, Cad Bane, and Cobb Vanth, they couldn’t have put more firepower into the finale, literally.

This 36% increase comes as a proverbial double-edged sword in the grand scheme of things. Seeing such an increase in viewership from The Mandolorian to Book of Boba Fett means that more viewers are tuning in to see the rich backstory provided. Book of Boba Fett Season 2 seems plausible on paper, but that could be 100% due to Mando and Grogu returning.

Book of Boba Fett surely provided plenty of new action, but the same formula for the bounty hunter seemed to be at the core of this chapter: bounty hunters clash on Tattooine. This is not to bash Jon Favreau or Dave Filoni in any way, because they are one of the biggest reasons why these shows have had major success, but they need to keep Tattooine away from further entries. Move on.

We got to see The Mandalorian travel all over the place and take up jobs, and Boba needs that same treatment. He is a bounty hunter, the same as Mando, but he is somehow stuck to Tattooine? Obviously taking over Jabba’s palace led to the location remaining more contained, but he needs more to do in a potential Book of Boba Fett Season 2.

Ming-Na Wen Thought A Season 2 Announcement Was Coming

Mando book of boba fett season 2

As it stands, there have finally been some rumblings about a possible The Book of Boba Fett Season 2. The first rumblings came at the Fax Expo in Boston where Ming-Na Wen appeared and spoke about the possibility of her Fennec Shand seeing a season 2. “Second season of The Book of Boba Fett, I hope!” she said at the Fan Expo. “I never count my chickens before they hatch, because in this business, you just never know. But, knock on wood, they’ll be announcing that soon – I hope.”

Then there was Boba Fett himself, Temuera Morrison, who didn’t come right out about a second season but spoke highly of Wen as well as working with series creator Jon Favreau. “We [he and Wen] had a wonderful chemistry. It was so easy to work with her. She had been my confidant and it was really a duo effort. Now that I’m looking back at it, I don’t know, it’s just one of those things. Things are great when you look back, but there are some things I may have done a little bit different. But again, just for me to work with Jon [Favreau] and be part of the Mandalorian family [has] just been quite phenomenal, really.”

With that being said, Disney remains tight-lipped about a possible The Book of Boba Fett season 2. They are notorious for trying to throw fans off the scent and so far they have done a good job with it, that is until Samuel L. Jackson got involved.

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